Some Photos I Took : )


Well-Known Member
Some pics from my Xmas break back in Scotland. Scotland makes photo taking easy, everywhere there is a postcard in front of you.
Loch Morlich looking frozen over.

A view from the Cairngorms

They also have strange signs as well

Taken out of context, this seems a bit weird.

The view from our chalet.

Fully loaded trees.

And not so loaded

The funicular


I'll be watching you folks, see ya later, Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
so crackerjacks im thinking of saving for a new camera hehe
thinking of the fujufilm s200HD or the s100fd

could you please elaborate for me the differance beetween a s1500 and the s1500fd im kinda clueless. although this camera im using atm can take some nicve shots i think itsd time for an upgrade and the fujifilms seem kinda in my price range

thanks for any help bro. hope ya can give me some decent info this time lol. not just tell me im screwed hehe.

also what extras would you buy with it or are there any that are better for around the same price??

remembering i can find the s200HD for $260 $320 with some extras but no addon lenses or anything t

last question is can the fujofilms in questions get different lenses say so i can take some nice close ups of trich's .

peace out

p.m me if you want as i really need to learn how to take awsome pics theres a really important method to my madness ;)


New Member
You can take awesome pics with a Brownie camera ... :wink:

Okay, I have reviewed both cameras and their capabilities and think they are both worthy in the "bang for your buck" department.

The better of the two is the S200HD (HD meaning high definition video) at just over 200 bucks, it's a bit of a steal.

What you need to know......

There are no front threads on the lens so you'll have to be careful when ur shooting since no protective filter can be added.
It is a battery consumer and every reviewer warns of this. Don't use alkaline batteries, go with nimh type, they'll last longer. U'll need to buy 8 recharge AA's, so 4 can be in operation while the back up are in the charger you're going to purchase.

Almost all of the flaws in the camera are to be expected at this price point.

The main reason why I bought a DSLR was to get rid of the shutter lag which is inherent in all of the fixed lens cameras. So if you are trying to capture a "specific" moment, this camera will frustrate you. Action shots will be always after what you're intending to capture, you'll have to anticipate the action. DSLR's are just like film cameras now, no lag. But again, ALL the fixed lens cameras have this problem to some degree.

Fuji has a good rep, and that camera can shoot HD video, which is pretty sweet. It also shoots great macro and can get as close as .4 inches from the subject.


Well-Known Member
You can take awesome pics with a Brownie camera ... :wink:

Okay, I have reviewed both cameras and their capabilities and think they are both worthy in the "bang for your buck" department.

The better of the two is the S200HD (HD meaning high definition video) at just over 200 bucks, it's a bit of a steal.

What you need to know......

There are no front threads on the lens so you'll have to be careful when ur shooting since no protective filter can be added.
It is a battery consumer and every reviewer warns of this. Don't use alkaline batteries, go with nimh type, they'll last longer. U'll need to buy 8 recharge AA's, so 4 can be in operation while the back up are in the charger you're going to purchase.

Almost all of the flaws in the camera are to be expected at this price point.

The main reason why I bought a DSLR was to get rid of the shutter lag which is inherent in all of the fixed lens cameras. So if you are trying to capture a "specific" moment, this camera will frustrate you. Action shots will be always after what you're intending to capture, you'll have to anticipate the action. DSLR's are just like film cameras now, no lag. But again, ALL the fixed lens cameras have this problem to some degree.

Fuji has a good rep, and that camera can shoot HD video, which is pretty sweet. It also shoots great macro and can get as close as .4 inches from the subject.
brownie camera, i know your prolly pulling the piss but please explain

umm so you would say its a good buy then, does it have all the fatures of the s1500fd. and whats the differance beetween the s1500fd and the regular s1500, i cant find out for the life of me :(. (Face detection im guessing??)

what are some other nice dslr cameras i may be able to look into that can be found cheap??

also i know what you mean about the shutter lag the poxy camera we using atm always misses what i want to shoot. the frustrating thing is it will pause on the shot i want and then i get something different say a second or so later. it can be really devistating seeing an awsome pic i wanted on the screen only to be changed fr a different one or a crappy blured POS.

thanks for the help btw.


New Member
Follow this link Jester and read a pretty good review by an owner. It's all explained in there. the one thing that did concern me is the lack of ability to control aperture. This is a major drawback for me, but if you just like programmed shots, it's no big deal.

On another note, please understand that none of these are DSLR's. They are prosumer point and shoots and cannot interchange lens'.

My personal recommendation goes to Panasonic cameras. They have a fast lens from Cark Zeiss (a top lens producer) and I have had earlier gen models which have performed flawlessly. In my opinion, they are worth the extra 50 bucks or so.

Check out the Pan



Well-Known Member
you got a decent link to that camera pictured ill look into it.

si with the fujifilm i couldnt get adons to take pics of say ant heads??


New Member
Correct. there's no threads to attach filters or magnifiers.....

Just go to amazon and type in Panasonic DMC - FZ35K. read the reviews ... they are stellar as they should be. It's a great camera and Pan has really got their components synching up nicely. I have the DMC-FZ18 and it is still taking great pics and macro's


Well-Known Member
cool ill check it out. your a champoin crackerjack ill see if i can rep ya you defo deserve it.

this is for you :joint:

have to rep later.

for soe reason i cant rep a few people i know im over the 5 or ten limit.

the fucked thing is a few people i know have made an accomplishment that deserves some love and respect. THIS SUX... ill remember though ;)


New Member
Nice pics, but they didn't get big when i hit the attachment. :sad: looks great tho, just tiny... :lol:

Here's squirrel day. The big boy was right up on me (FOX squirrel) but I didn't have my camera. these grays were a bit later. The FOX is quite tame and walks within a few feet of me. I'll get a good snap soon.


