Some Photos I Took : )


New Member
I liked the pizza in Naples Italy. Totally different than the pizza here in the states but it's delishhhh!!:bigjoint:
yes, I don't even consider that to be Pizza over there.

I was surprised at how much fish and seafood is in the Italian diet. One always thinks of pasta, but once you look at a map, seafood makes sense.

On my first trip to Sardinia, we asked for some Pizza at a restaurant ... they just stared back at us, and said no, we don't make that here! Huh? We eat American Pizza.


Well-Known Member
I bet its great, but most italians live in Brooklyn so its gotta be the next best
The pizza and food in general in New York is some of the best in the world but they have shit in Italy that you can't get here in the states like the Mozzarella di Buffala. It's the real mozzarella cheese made from the milk of the water buffalo. It's unpasteurized so it's illegal here but damn is it good! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
yes, I don't even consider that to be Pizza over there.

I was surprised at how much fish and seafood is in the Italian diet. One always thinks of pasta, but once you look at a map, seafood makes sense.

On my first trip to Sardinia, we asked for some Pizza at a restaurant ... they just stared back at us, and said no, we don't make that here! Huh? We eat American Pizza.
Yeah it's completely different and some say it's more of an aquired taste. Well I acquired it and haven't been able to forget it. I lived in Naples for 2 years and haven't been back for over 15 years and the food is still burned into my brain. :hump:

there is nothing like italian gelato. man when i came back to england even ben and jerries was like shit
Isn't it the shit? I've had some American gelato and it's good but not as good as the Italian stuff! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
It's the same with every country. If ur in the USA and you think ur eating real Chinese food ... ur not.:wink:
The most authentic chinese I've ever had was at a chinese restaurant in downtown Naples. The people who worked at the restaurant were actually chinese who had just gotten off the boat. That was some pretty good stuff too. I'm getting hungry!:lol:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah i as grasping for something our friends over the pond would know as i doubt walls is a known brand ttt

dude go to rome for the weekend when you can see the chapel jump a train an do pizza honestly you can do italy in a couple of days, obviously not the lakes n stuff which if you have longer and the dough for lake garda is stunning


New Member
hey, dont forget the italian ices, if ever in Brooklyn or Italy (but I cant vouch for Italy) you gotta try the ices (chocolate especially)


Well-Known Member
hey, dont forget the italian ices, if ever in Brooklyn or Italy (but I cant vouch for Italy) you gotta try the ices (chocolate especially)
I've had the Italian Ices in Brooklyn but I never saw Italian Ice in Italy. They probably just call it "Ice" over there. lol!:lol:


Well-Known Member
I thought this was the Some Photos I took thread, not the, Let's make everyone munchied to fek thread:lol:

It's what you put in a dish that makes it taste so good. Food in Italy tastes so good because the produce they use is so good. My favourite is Sugo sauce (the best tomato sauce recipe is made by my Mums ageing Italian parnter.)

Onions, garlic, tomatoes, tea spoon of sugar - helps with the acidity of the toms), Italian sausages for stock.....that's it. It's a shame that the tomatoes here are all growing under HPS and MH, they just don't taste the same, believe you me!!!

I am making lasagne for the weekend. I made my pasta sheets this morning. Hung to dry as I won't have time later. I never eat anything except home made pasta, shop bought is pants - unless you got a good deli.




Well-Known Member
i thought i was the only one adding sugar to my tomato sauces or paste.. i also use a lil fresh lemon juice just a lil.

hey has a dominoes new recipe:spew::spew:


New Member
I'm about to order up some organic heirloom Italian and New Jersey (USA) tomato seeds for an early planting.

If I can keep the rabbits, deer,raccoons, Tortoises, insects, and my frikkin dogs from eating them all, I'll have plenty to make some wonderful sauces.

New Jersey, believe it or not, produces some of the best tasting tomatoes I've ever eaten! It is called the "garden state" for good reason. Mild weather and great soil....

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
sounds good cracker. i've been contemplating trying to setup an indoor grow for things that are tasty, even if just as an excuse for having watering cans and ph etc :P

it's all about mediterraneann produce :) generally import everything fruit and veg wise direct from italy.

and i don't know why, but i was brought up with the phrase Ragu for shit from the supermarket, not sure why my parnts refere to it as that, but yeah, supermarket stuff jsut sucks, if i'm stuck with it i normally have to add a whole bunch of this and that to make it anything respectable :)