Some Photos I Took : )


Well-Known Member
cheers guys. who knows what the right climate was for them, was actually just a vine? that decided to successfullly grow against the barn, only recieved the evening light but produced fantastic stuff. not your normal grape, it had the flavour of a good muscat, but you simply pinched the skin at the bottom and the flesh would pop outta the stalk hole, they wer the absolute bomb. used to grab a bunch then head into the paddock for a smoke and some yummmm
Interesting that you should say that. I just finihed a wine course and learned that Muscat is the only wine that actually tastes like grapes!!! The wine course was a great thing, would recommend it to anyone. It was to Swen 1 equivalent, which gives you a decent understanding of processes, how to taste, what to look for, new world vs old world....I never spat out though ;-) (only a couple of times) although the spitting out also takes the flavours through ones mouth again.

So we back to snow pics now? All the snow has gone here!! But here's a snow berry pic from the archives:

Is the bus coming?



Well-Known Member
ok since there's been a few shots of we are at 12/12/12 day/lights/dark.
Down below -

Up above


Well-Known Member
wow this threads taken an awesome turn lol.

i agree crackerjacks we can grow really great plants in winter where im from too ;).
there are actually a lot more places that can grow in winter, most people just dont arent educated that they can still grow in winter... especially the people who re noobs and getting most of there info solely from the internet.

there are a lot of places where winter growing is very much applicable. but people dont know it (even where im from) there are lots of people who diont believe its possible untill there proved wrong which isnt hard lol.

Thanks for the eye candy peoples lol.


New Member
I get a smaller harvest in winter, but except for a few nights where I have to protect them from a few freezes, it's a much easier grow. Less humidity, less disease, less insects.

Nice through the loupe pics there RF .... like Jester, look into the Nikon, Pnasonic, canon lines of prosumer cameras. Not quite a dslr, but in many ways, the optics are equal, and they all have really strong macro capabilities. They can all be had for 300-350. Well worth the $$ IMHO. :wink:


New Member
That's a great camera, but be aware you will need to pony up some $$$$ to get macros. the supplied lens isn't going to get you there.

IF U R looking at a camera for basically close ups (buds), u can save urself 200 and get the prosumer point and shoots. Both my old Nikon and Pan could focus a 1/2" from the subject.


New Member
A dedicated macro lens.... something specifically designed for close ups.

Again, there are many things to consider. A smaller focal length (like a 50mm) macro, are lighter, but you need to get close to the subject to focus (bad for insect photos).
I would go with probably a 100MM macro.

For bud work ... you will want a lens that has a minimal focus range. That bud shot of mine above, is about as close as I can get with the Sony lens which is an 18-70mm.

My Pan could practically touch the bud in focus.

It all depends on what you want from the camera.


Well-Known Member
true i think they have a macro mode and the lense can focus at a fairly close range. so that should be sufficient for starters??

then all i have to do is get a magnifying lens right. this was the main reason i was thinking about getting this camera. i have very specific needs for this camera to perform.