Somebody help me


New Member
Thanks I used jungle grow water wise. I take the temp and hum. and they aren't getting too hot. Any other suggestions on soil? I don't think anywhere around me has fox farms that everyone raves about. I thought I had a pretty good setup and yes I was going to use it for the whole grow. I've seen people do much better their first time in far worse set ups. The box is 3 feet high 2 feet wide and 2.5 feet deep. Should I build a reflective hood??
Water wise holds the water more than regular soil and it's fortified with nutes. Overwatering with excessive nutes is the problem IMO. The more you water, the more nutes are released usually. This stuff is almost like the miracle grow water retentive soils. Next time grow the seedlings in an inert media until abundant root growth is observed, than feed it lightly with .5 EC nutes to acclimate the girls, THAN transplant to fortified soil. Water every week if you still insist on using moisture retentive soil



So heres the reflective hood that I can move up and down, not the best in the world but I think it will work from what I've seen