Sometimes I Hate Smoking Alone.


Well-Known Member
I like smoking with others when the others bring different buds to the table and everyone can try each others product... when I have to supply all the product to smoke for a group of friends or even one it fuckin irritates me and I avoid it at all costs... I'll even charge acquaintences a couple bucks to hit a bowl if they don't contribute... I used to have a dealer that would sell me short sacks then want me to smoke him out with that product.. that relationship didn't last long


Active Member
I have a lot of friends who smoke and I've smoked a lot with them over this summer, but I really do like smoking alone. It's cathartic. Sit down on the bed or somewhere, throw on an album, and light up man. Then when you're done chillin' with the tunes, read a book, or watch some tv, or surf the net, or do something... And then it's snack time.