Well-Known Member
It has been disproved over and over ad nauseum.
BTW, I don't have an agenda Liberal or otherwise, just stating how it is.
dude; look inside yourself, you appear to be brainwashed. You don't have an agenda? LMAO
The yellowcake is well documented. What is most alarming is that this material has been found in Columbia and Central America. They suspect it was from the same batch. I would error on the side of caution if I was the decision maker.
Recently I saw pictures of newest technology russian aircraft buried east of Tikrit. These planes were so new that they had to be delivered shortly before the war started. If they could smuggle a bunch of aircraft why not other shit? Yesterday they announced traces of radiation at the spot bombed in Syria. Is this all B/S? You can decide but I do suggest you get both sides of the story.
If you want