SOOO ahhh i quite smokin


Well-Known Member
i am currently unemployed an have been 4 about a month an a half. its unbearable. my only lead is a temp service my friend went threw. she said she'll put in a order 4 me but they piss test. ive been smokin for about 5 years an havent gone with out 4 over a week that i can rember lol:dunce:. so i assume i got some dirty ass pee lol. but n e ways i want to be sure im clean if i fail once im sure i cant go back. i cant afford detox or id be on it so ive been runnin tryin to sweet it out an drinkin plenty of water. i havent smoked in a week an im freakin aggitated.once im workin i can fire me up a spliff an be at peace agine. any kind words or some get clean tips will be greatly apreciated an help me fell better about my ploy my god help me!


Well-Known Member
That agitation should go a away after a few days. Good idea to get out there and excercise and blow off some steam.


Well-Known Member
Exercise to burn off some of the fats you have stored up over the last 4 years of smoking. Also, synthetic urine(fake piss) would probably be an option for a job test. google that shit.


drink plenty of green tea and take antioxidant supplement pills and go on an all fruit and veggy diet for 3 days you'll be clean in like 7-14 days.


Well-Known Member
jerk off into the piss cup and tell that temp company to go fuck its self.

.......Ive done temp work in a limestone factory. ...It was probably one of the worse jobs ive ever done. I hated that shit.


Well-Known Member
ya the biggest changes will be from that nice nothing while sleeping to trippy ass dreams and sweating. but eh, its not that bad.


Well-Known Member
ya the biggest changes will be from that nice nothing while sleeping to trippy ass dreams and sweating. but eh, its not that bad.
man these dreams are real man. i dreamed i was hangin wit my dad who i aint seen in years an he intraduced me to this girl. lol then i woke up to pee went back to sleep an the dream had continued with out me. me an this girl were married with children an i looked a lot like al bundy:lol: it was misrable so i burned the house down with them all in it :fire:. i never have rembered dreams when i had them an now they seem so vivid. o an ive noticed the sweets to it sucks

Dank Hill

Well-Known Member
iono, but you'll have some trippy ass dreams. I can guarantee that.

haha aint that a fact!

cincismoker.. i have been there man. went 7 years smoking weed without a break. then all the sudden i had to move to a new town and find a job. i dont really trust any detox drinks. the best way to get clean is just to take a break. i dont know how much fat you have but it could take at least a month for you to be clean. use this time to try out something new in life. dont let the frustrations (of not being able to get high) alter your motivation on getting a job! think of how great it will be when you can finally smoke again. it will feel like the first time you ever got high.


Well-Known Member
haha aint that a fact!

cincismoker.. i have been there man. went 7 years smoking weed without a break. then all the sudden i had to move to a new town and find a job. i dont really trust any detox drinks. the best way to get clean is just to take a break. i dont know how much fat you have but it could take at least a month for you to be clean. use this time to try out something new in life. dont let the frustrations (of not being able to get high) alter your motivation on getting a job! think of how great it will be when you can finally smoke again. it will feel like the first time you ever got high.
well im not a small guy im a smooth 220 lbs. an ive taken that into account with the time its gunna take me to get clean. but thank u 4 ur kind words dank. i have been try to keep myself bizzy. runnin workin on my next grow an alot of guitar. i know the more free time on my hands the more likley i am to break down an take a toke


Well-Known Member
man these dreams are real man. i dreamed i was hangin wit my dad who i aint seen in years an he intraduced me to this girl. lol then i woke up to pee went back to sleep an the dream had continued with out me. me an this girl were married with children an i looked a lot like al bundy:lol: it was misrable so i burned the house down with them all in it :fire:. i never have rembered dreams when i had them an now they seem so vivid. o an ive noticed the sweets to it sucks
im such a deep sleeper when i smoke, but when i dont for awhile, i wake up for anything.

i used to have insomnia back in the day, so really, thats what got me toking. loved the nice nothingness of that sleep after a high.

good luck mane


Active Member
Can you pleaseeeeeeeeee tell me when i should start the 12/12 cycle for my plants?...:wall:
I would highly appreciate it...


Well-Known Member
that sucks you got to quit man, but at least you can start toking after the test. I have to quite n a couple weeks... cant smoke again til SEPTEMBER :( ... not sure what i'm going to do !