South Africa's Nelson Mandela dies in Johannesburg


bud bootlegger
First time on the site in days.. I see this thread and think "hey a thread on nelson mandela. We can talk about one of the great leaders of our time and the way he changed the world"

*jump to page 14*



Fucking children.

Time to go back to TNT.
i started my nelson mandela thread in the toke and talk section for this very reason.. yay, me.. :D


New Member
oh, look.

another former member of RIU's white supremacy groups is calling abandon racist for the act of pointing out racism, and he got a 'like' from another former member of RIU's white supremacy groups as well as the guy who talks about defending REAL AMERICA from the multicultural (see: predominantly black) wasteland of bullshit.

seriously, why do these former members of white supremacy groups expect that we will forget all about their involvement with white supremacy mere months ago on this very website?

why do they think they are non-racist for uniting with white supremacy, and think that we are racist for merely pointing out their memberships in white supremacy groups?

this can be an odd place, and white supremacists can think some odd things.

reality literally gets turned upside down.
does buck check the boxes?

Expects to be recognized as superior and special, without superior accomplishments
Expects constant attention, admiration and positive reinforcement from others
Envies others and believes others envy him/her
Is preoccupied with thoughts and fantasies of great success, enormous attractiveness, power, intelligence
Lacks the ability to empathize with the feelings or desires of others
Is arrogant in attitudes and behavior
Has expectations of special treatment that are unrealistic

Get your wife to diagnose you if she isn't too busy providing relief at the prison