South Africa's Nelson Mandela dies in Johannesburg


Well-Known Member
Milosevic was a scumbag war criminal and got what he deserved. Fuck him
Dying from a heart attack before ever standing trial? Granted it was in prison though. Still I don't recall near this much vitriol for his death, and he actually was a war criminal as you pointed out.


Well-Known Member
nobody is gloating.

ultimately New Nelson was a good thing, but ignoring the faults of Nelson Classic is foolish.

apartheid lost to the efforts of New Nelson.

if it were left in the hands of Nelson Classic, aparthied would still be going strong.

he is an object lesson in how to effect real change for the better, and it rarely involves significant portions of Marxism.
Maybe not so much gloating on this site, but others yes very much taking pleasure in his death. But maybe I should stop conflating other sites with this one.


Well-Known Member
All I'll say is I never saw this much gloating and ire after Slobodan Milosevic died from the right wing of America. But then again that was Whites massacring Muslims so who cares right?
that was white slavs massacring white muslims from around the Balkans while trying to keep there dieing Yugoslavia togather.. AND I CARE!!!


New Member
Dying from a heart attack before ever standing trial? Granted it was in prison though. Still I don't recall near this much vitriol for his death, and he actually was a war criminal as you pointed out.
I don't hold any ill will towards Mandela, I applaud the stand he took on reconciliation, particularly as he was so personally and deeply affected. You bring up an interesting point though regarding Milosevic but history already sees him as a fucking whack-job and all his attributes and accomplishments were disgustingly negative. Whereas, Mandela will continue to inspire debate wether good or bad due to his overwhelmingly positive accomplishments - a feat which I think he would be proud of as one would hope it will pave the way to understanding.


Well-Known Member
that was white slavs massacring white muslims from around the Balkans while trying to keep there dieing Yugoslavia togather.. AND I CARE!!!
Close but Yugoslavia was already broken up for years by the time of the Bosnian genocide. It was simply a land grab inflamed with centuries of religious, ethnic, and nationalist rhetoric. But seeing as some of my family were refugees from the Balkan Wars it does make me feel good that people do care here.


New Member
Close but Yugoslavia was already broken up for years by the time of the Bosnian genocide. It was simply a land grab inflamed with centuries of religious, ethnic, and nationalist rhetoric. But seeing as some of my family were refugees from the Balkan Wars it does make me feel good that people do care here.
the best country in the region got out first... ;-)


Well-Known Member
Close but Yugoslavia was already broken up for years by the time of the Bosnian genocide. It was simply a land grab inflamed with centuries of religious, ethnic, and nationalist rhetoric. But seeing as some of my family were refugees from the Balkan Wars it does make me feel good that people do care here.
it was a power trip and yes over land.... over land that rightfully belonged to the Albanians since forever... they did a worse number on bosnia last time... but have been fighting the Albanians for centuries... bloodshed is nothing new in that area too many times threw out history have the serbs tried to ethnic cleanse the Albanian majority of Kosovo.... and at times the Kosovar Albanians were vicious to the serbs... I find it understandable though.... there is only so much a race of people can take


Well-Known Member
I don't hold any ill will towards Mandela, I applaud the stand he took on reconciliation, particularly as he was so personally and deeply affected. You bring up an interesting point though regarding Milosevic but history already sees him as a fucking whack-job and all his attributes and accomplishments were disgustingly negative. Whereas, Mandela will continue to inspire debate wether good or bad due to his overwhelmingly positive accomplishments - a feat which I think he would be proud of as one would hope it will pave the way to understanding.
And I fully agree with this sentiment. My mistake is thinking of other websites and letting those thoughts flow here, which is my mistake and I apologize. For some sick reason I read yahoo comments and really shouldn't.

I redact the confrontational manner of my original post. Though the Serbs have quite the interesting view of their war criminals. If anything else it lets us all know how close any of us are from being capable of atrocity.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
All I'll say is I never saw this much gloating and ire after Slobodan Milosevic died from the right wing of America. But then again that was Whites massacring Muslims so who cares right?
How about Ratko Mladić? With a name like that he was destined to be a scurrying villain.


Well-Known Member
it was a power trip and yes over land.... over land that rightfully belonged to the Albanians since forever... they did a worse number on bosnia last time... but have been fighting the Albanians for centuries... bloodshed is nothing new in that area too many times threw out history have the serbs tried to ethnic cleanse the Albanian majority of Kosovo.... and at times the Kosovar Albanians were vicious to the serbs... I find it understandable though.... there is only so much a race of people can take
You are correct again but mixing the Balkan Wars directly after the dissolution of Yugoslavia with the Kosovo conflict of the later 90's.

The massacres like Srebrenica were mostly done in 94-95 era while Kosovo was later. And also not as bloody thankfully.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Close but Yugoslavia was already broken up for years by the time of the Bosnian genocide. It was simply a land grab inflamed with centuries of religious, ethnic, and nationalist rhetoric. But seeing as some of my family were refugees from the Balkan Wars it does make me feel good that people do care here.
What I think you will find in America is that most of us are only vaguely aware of the whole Bosnia-Herzegovina episode. I doubt one American in five could tell you which one is Muslim, me included. Milosevic is certainly not as well known as Mandela.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Seriously all our names end with a "ic". Though mine with an "ac". Then again it means "male dancer". And I fucking suck at dancing it's such bullshit.
No offense, but I find your answer very amusing. "Ratko" is what I was poking fun at. Is that a common name in the old country?


Well-Known Member
Bushy is not a regular here. His comment is so over the top that it looks like satirical trolling. SkyLard pretends to be a compassionate liberal and advocates multiple times to kill old white guys, and she is one of the regular pack of morons on here so she deserves ridicule, glowing skin and perky tits not withstanding.
yes, yes.

keep making excuses as to why you ignore blatant racism from white supremacists while you continue to join white supremacy groups.

no one thinks you are racist.


bud bootlegger
And I fully agree with this sentiment. My mistake is thinking of other websites and letting those thoughts flow here, which is my mistake and I apologize. For some sick reason I read yahoo comments and really shouldn't.

I redact the confrontational manner of my original post. Though the Serbs have quite the interesting view of their war criminals. If anything else it lets us all know how close any of us are from being capable of atrocity.
I said to a dear friend on Fb yesterday that if she wanted to feel truly embarrassed to be an american to read some of the yahoo comments on Mandela's death .. she declined..
So today I got tagged in a post by my very favorite vice..they had a thread about the most racist tweets about Mandela's death.. do yourself a favor and don't read it unless you want your blood to boil..


Well-Known Member
No offense, but I find your answer very amusing. "Ratko" is what I was poking fun at. Is that a common name in the old country?

Not as much as "Matthew" or "Daniel" but yeah relatively common. Ratzcko or somesuch is another similar one if I remember correctly.

And I was just more or less bitching about my last name.I can't but help think my ancestors danced around while nobles threw pennies at them. Like "Smiths" here might be descended from a blacksmith and "Miller"s might be from grain making stock, while the equivalent of "male dancer" only means that.

Though the Anglicized version of my middle name pronounced "Blazch" is "Blaze" on my birth certificate so. I was meant to grow weed from birth.