SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow


Well-Known Member
Awesome grow just decided to take a look went through almost all those pages.
I was gonna get some hashberry but i guess not untill
Jan. 1 , 2009
Plants look very good i would like to see the finished product
of all this hard work.
Nice set-up btw

Cannabis ='s Life

Active Member
Dude Jason! your the master at growing...hopefully i may become as skilled as you in later years lol definately to come out with a fine lookin crop such as that...

I just read through the entire post in the last hour lol it was quite interesting to read like 3/4 months work in an hour or 2

But dude please keep us posted i need to see the harvest when its complete just to keep me going so that i don't quit...

anyway awesome!


Active Member
hi i live in Seoul
n i'm interested in yo stuff right there.
You think u can hook me up wit some of that at fair price?


Active Member
sweet grow jas
ive been in S.K fer awile now and i've seen mad dudes get bagged out here
i hope everything goes well
stay safe

oh and dont be hookin up with strays lookin for a lick online mang
highly unrecommended
especially natives lol



Well-Known Member
hey jason... im sure your just busy with your woman like last time.... come check out my hashberry...


Well-Known Member
This is beautiful.

The seeds seem to be no longer available because the breeder has been ill or possibly personal issues. It's too bad because this is one of those premiere strains and the breeder is damn good. Possibly one of the best. They said they will be back beginning of next year but I just have a feeling it may or may not be. I really hope they make a comeback though.


Active Member
Jason just went through the thread, wow it looks to me by not posting in awhile that you probably got pinned, good luck to you bro for sure

duncan idaho

Active Member
uh oh, i hope we are all just being paranoid i spent the last 30 mins looking through the thread :( it's been a couple of months yet no updates. jason i hope you just got lazy or plants died or something anything but getting popped.lets all pray that he didnt ,man this is very bad mojo.peace in the middle east