SouthKorea GrowOperation (Hashberry) 3rd grow


Well-Known Member
Veg Day: 19

Decided to tie them down today(lst), as I could see a couple of tiny root tips starting to show at the bottom of the pots and I reckoned they'd settled in. I forgot to take a "before" shot, but here they are now...

Some more preflowers showing, looks like No.2 sadly may turn out to be a boy, too...

group shot



Well-Known Member
Say Bro, They look Great, Sorry to tell You, But the first to pic's are Male.

Good luck, :joint::peace::mrgreen::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
We're into 12/12 now and although it's only the 2nd day, this is the time when I like to start leaving things more alone and not moving the plants around too much. That said, I'll probably be doing it more than I've done before, what with the LST and all that; but I still don't want to do it more than once a week and as little as possible once the trichs start to form.

What I'm going to do now, gentlefolk, is take you all on a plant by plant walk-through of the state of The Grow today, with front, side and top shots of each plant, followed by close ups of anything interesting (i.e. preflowers).

And where better to start, than with No.1?

Moving swiftly on...

ill have the rest up later im lazy cause i just smoked a 3 gram joint


Well-Known Member
man jason you are doing great! keep up the great work!!

not sure if you've been keeping up with my journal but I've only ended up with 1 femmie. Juana went hermie on me.


Well-Known Member No.2, our prime suspect male

Here are the preflowers from the previous post...

...and another pair...

That more or less wraps it up for No.2, or so it would seem... and yet... this plant has not shown the "classic early signs" of being male. It is a short, compact plant, bushy little plant, which has shown no signs of fast, early growth. I'm 99% certain it's a boy, but I'm going to leave it a little longer... just in case

moving right on..


Well-Known Member
No.3...'s possibly the one plant I would have expected to flash some 'nads at me by now.

This plant is a monster, compared to the others, with all the "classic signs" of being male: tall, long internodes and faster growth.

The lower branches have been particularly active...

...and yet... there are only the very earliest signs of preflowering...

If this turns out to be a female and it hadn't come from the same packet as the others, I'd almost swear it was a different strain. The next 14-21 days will tell.

moving right on