
A bit of subject but its space related.
I was fishing for sea trout back in July, sea trout fishing for me is done during the hours of darkness, so I'm fishing down a pool 2am when suddenly the sky lit up like an arc welder, a huge shooting star but not fleeting, it 1st got my attention about 65/70 degrees and burned until it was over the horizon, I got a full grand stand view of it.

I've seen plenty of shooting/falling stars but only ever fleeting glimpses and small, this one burned for ages and was huge it actually lit up the countryside to my eye it appeared tennis ball sized.
I was actually speechless for a bit in total awe of it.
This is total head fk...
Apparently there's organic material in meteorites???
A bit of subject but its space related.
I was fishing for sea trout back in July, sea trout fishing for me is done during the hours of darkness, so I'm fishing down a pool 2am when suddenly the sky lit up like an arc welder, a huge shooting star but not fleeting, it 1st got my attention about 65/70 degrees and burned until it was over the horizon, I got a full grand stand view of it.

I've seen plenty of shooting/falling stars but only ever fleeting glimpses and small, this one burned for ages and was huge it actually lit up the countryside to my eye it appeared tennis ball sized.
I was actually speechless for a bit in total awe of it.
This is total head fk...
Apparently there's organic material in meteorites???
Yup. All sorts of amino acids and other bio- (or protobio-)molecules.

My “big miss” story comes from the Perseids and the gold country. I was in bed half asleep when the window lit up for a few seconds. I thought “grumble complain some asshole has his high beams on on Cannibal Sniper Bypass.” Many a time did high beams from just there intrude upon my serenity.

Next day I read about the dazzling fireball seen across a dozen counties. Dang.
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Right on time hahah
I remember i was gutted for half a day when i read this, i was like 'why close it, i thought we wanted more of these' :hump:

they should build more.....or at least add more to the array that in the desert here, and have plans drawn for rebuilding and upgrading that one especially since it was supposed the largest...
Glad you liked it guys. What are the chances of life eh? So many zeros before we get to the one, right? 0.00000000000000000000000000000000001. Like life itself. Maybe we truly are universes' consciousness. Just maybe :blsmoke: same patterns all around its amazing how much we can learn and apply to our lives through anything really, and anyones problem, metaphoric. Everything through everything. Damn there i go again. Ill stop now

I think we are God’s way of knowing the universe.