SpeedySeedz Beware Rollitup Staff (Speedy Seedz)

Sad, but sometimes forums are used to promote or destroy a particular company but not always I'm sure as there are really lots of honest reviews here. It is best to be really circumspect when choosing the right seedbank to buy from.
i think attitude is safer than nirvana, and you can get nirvana seeds there, however attitude seems to be having some problesm coming out of the chicago customs right now, IMO i would stay away from seed ordering for a little while until they or everyone changes there shipping method, not saying other banks are having the same problems becasue they probably arent, however im not willing to take that chance with my money, if your a first timer getting a seed out of some good bud you smoked is enough to practice and grow whatever you want successfully....

has anyone heard anything about speedy seedz as of late? im jw if dude is still ripping people off, it woudlnt surprise me
From what I read on these forums attitude is the only seeds getting confiscated VIA Chicago's customs office
From what I read on these forums attitude is the only seeds getting confiscated VIA Chicago's customs office

Actually, I from what I've been reading, once Chicago find seeds coming to a particular address, that address gets red-flagged and any subsequent shipments to that address get pulled and examined. I've read the threads regarding ISC Chicago, and it certainly seems like this is what's happening.
hi qwert123, we dont appreciate spam or advertising of that sort here, if you would like to advertise here, please go through the appropriate channels, please and thanks
Here is some more information. The guy just doesnt give up.

Speedy Seedz: you can put your little announcements up
Speedy Seedz: thats fine
Speedy Seedz: at the minute
Speedy Seedz: i dont want any customers from your site
Speedy Seedz: i got enough on my forum
Speedy Seedz: but i will be coming for riu within the next 6 months
Speedy Seedz: and i will take its crown
Speedy Seedz: ive got the financial backing to do it now
Speedy Seedz: to get ranked
Speedy Seedz: and get in all the directories
Speedy Seedz: you can do it with time and work
Speedy Seedz: and you can do it with money
Rollitup:good luck with that my friend
Speedy Seedz: and soon within the next 2 months theres going to be tons and tons of good reviews about speedyseedz all around the net
Speedy Seedz: and ill get sub paid off too
Rollitup:you had my support i liked you
Speedy Seedz: then everyone will start jumping ship
Speedy Seedz: see you in the coming months

Speedyseedz....Nothing but pure scum.
i never got my order that i placed around the date of shaman's post that i am replying to. they did resend a time or two, but i never got seeds. always got a package with green tape and y'all damn sure know what i mean by saying that. i even paid the extra for the insurance and the shirts etc. but they would only resend once or twice then issued a partial refund. not exactly talking complete shit about them. just didn't get my seeds, only empty package with green tape, and a $100 tshirt after a partial refund. guess i should have gotten a full refund, or at least more than i did.

customs has attitude in the crosshairs, not a disparagement on attitude, they are just doomed until they change their ways.

i basically concur with shaman just don't think it's attitudes fault.
I am a newbie to all this and it astounds me that there are peple like this LOL kidding of course there are businesses and people trying to scam we don't need that crap in our forum or in this world. No matter where your from we need reliable concrete suppliers I will stick with rollitup.org and their sponsors. Dedicated member.
Sad, but sometimes forums are used to promote or destroy a particular company but not always I'm sure as there are really lots of honest reviews here. It is best to be really circumspect when choosing the right seedbank to buy from.

I was looking for sea of seeds the other day and they didn't show up.Maybe I was just in a hurry though..They fixed their screwup for Me and the beanz weren't bad @ all.
he got paid, he never paid sub and he has custi's who never got there orders . . . .id say hes not to far from a common thief . . .and based on his"take over " strategy id say delusions of grandeur are self evident

sounds like a wiener

its not hard i know of other small sites 500-2000 active buyers . . . . . .and one man runs it . . i dont know of any orders that have not been either fulfilled or taken care of in some sort of way . . and why is he starting new business's here and there . . . .BIG RED FLAGS
Its hard enough trusting a company then sweating for it to make it to your house without trusting a company worrying that they wont make it and a month later they never made it then you try to get ahold of them and they never return your call or email to then having them appear on a forum...befriend you and the forum owner and he turns around and personally fucks you out of seeds but most of all trust on a personal/friend level which is WAAAAAY worse in my opinion...so ya know what,yeah fuck this cat speedy and his shiesty ways until you get down on your hands and knees and kiss every foot in the RIU community apologize and then make good with money seeds weed a trip to Hawaii...whatever.when you fuck a community as a whole your OUT!!!period no bullshit......
cuz we aint a bunch of clowns.hehehe that was good huh.LOL
A BIG thank you for the heads up ^^

EDIT: I hate these scumbags, I mean yea this is "po-far" socialy to grow right now but to scam/commit fraud is just lower then low, how many countless people need the green to help medicate. I have friends and know many in my area that use to help with pain/treatment of there cancer ect, its a much cheaper option for those who can't afford all the meds that insurance won't nessisarily fully cover.. just erks me
Right here with you on that my wife has seizures and I have a tumor and we have low income. We just make it most weeks and thanks to an old friend who has so graciously helped out when times are tough. Thanks to the CBD dispensary in Detroit Michigan Chris, Bruce, and the guys. They also got a spot in Lansing. These are the type of people out there helping others. We need more people like that. I wish more people had the right hearts. People will be happy to pay a fair price for a fair product it's not that hard. Do it right be fair. Life is short this world is small. It will come back to get you in the end.
Seems like this speedy clown is a fly by night bulls hit company.and who keeps tryingto contact someone to send money to them.sounds like if you caught him on a good week you got your beans.as hole took my money and never responded after I sent tracking.I don't think riu.lol has any need to bad mouth anyone,but someone who screws you and don't pay their bill might pis you off too.then also riu.lol staff also heard of a vendor who'said ripping people off and didn't pay your bill.I'd be pis sedan but also wouldn't want to be associated with the person either. Am I right? You tell me.