Bro science it may be. But ALL my monsters have been mids compared to their daughter plants flowered much much smaller. Seems like small buds are better. Just my 2 cents.Sounds like BroScience.
I know you guys hate the moss but I think I’ll start germinating in that then transfer in soil. It worked out really well for me last time ! So we’ll see if it does this time.Put it in a small pot of soil best way to find out.
I know you did, the moss worked so well thoI just taught you how to use soil!
The moss has to be wet before you use it, so it’s so moist with the moss then I most the cap I cover it (humidity which they love as seeds)with a cap & let it do it’s thing it literally opened within less then 12 hours (the plant that is doing is well now)It didn't it just kept the seed wet, the soil did all the real work.
& you didn’t have success ? & yeah I get it ! Once it sprout I’ll put it in soil asap.Tried everything, still my advice is to make soil your go-to for everything.
Btw how many months do you think I have until harvest ? ( if they flower when there time comes , fingers crossed lol)Tried everything, still my advice is to make soil your go-to for everything.
Oh okay I get you mean ! I moved it a little farther away! I’m going to get a better light in a couple weeks.The light might be a little close, looks a little compact, purple on the top.
My success was learning to get the light and watering right not what soil or pot I used.
Somethings give better returns, soil or moss in first few days doesn't make a difference.
I also got a tent & this is the light I am getting !The light might be a little close, looks a little compact, purple on the top.
My success was learning to get the light and watering right not what soil or pot I used.
Somethings give better returns, soil or moss in first few days doesn't make a difference.
Someone on here said it’s wayyy better then what I have now with the output it gives off ??I know nothing of the light but looks low power not much more than what you got already.
What kind of light do you have ?I know nothing of the light but looks low power not much more than what you got already.