Spider Farmer led grow light--less watts, more light

Soon be time to jump the ship - but great working with you guys.Really enjoyed using the board then this light - i did end up buying 3 more boards but have decided on a new led wanting something to replace hps20221008_124534.jpg20221008_124602.jpg20221008_124604.jpg20221008_124609.jpg20221008_124548.jpg20221008_124558.jpg20221007_184330-01.jpeg
Looking super happy today - I did mess up like I've said in other post with light height - also been struggling with humidity pproblem.But sorted now - they just needed fresh air intake from inside the house rather than pulling it from outside.There really drinking heavy to say there been hand fed now - i have always used auto pots.But gave two pot sets away i needed them now - i just really need a tray now then I'm gonna bang these on auto pot system.Really enjoyed working with these lights and hoping on getting something with a bit more power one that will = a 600 hps .20221009_185125.jpg20221010_105624.jpg20221010_105633.jpg20221010_105639.jpg20221010_105644.jpg20221010_105648.jpg20221010_105841.jpg