Spider mites, when is it too late?


Active Member
Hey all I have a lot of mixed info on spider mites and I just want the facts, first week of flower and they are everywhere, on the tips of the fan leaves there are balls of them piled up and webs all over the leafs. Fogged them last week and it only killed them for a day. Have used azamax in the past during veg and found to does wonders!

I want more alternatives and cost effective ones st that! Thanks all!
dude u need to keep ur room clean clean clean hover 2 times a day spray plants with water on both sides of the leaf get a good fan and point at the plants(but not for a long time will stress the plants to much). give those fuckers a hard time to hold on get some pest spray do that b4 ur lights go of then spray and leave over night when the lights come on wash leafs with plain water then do the same again a day later if u got pets keep them away from u grow op peace out


Well-Known Member
Since you want just the facts I won't bore you with my opinions, just this like:




Well-Known Member
Don't mess with them get yourself some Avid and use 1ml to 1 500ml will keep them gone for a few months. Next time spray your cuttings with Neem once a week and up to the 4 week of flower, you will never have bug problems again.


Active Member
lady bugs also work wonders if you have a sealed room. they eat aphids mites and are natural and dont harm the plants at all. i get them from my local dispensary for 12$ for 500 lady bugs.


Active Member
water with neem until the last 4 weeks, wipe down all leaves with a soft, damp cloth everyday, but definitely don't spray your flowering plant twice a day with water... that's inviting mold. there's lots of organic sprays available to help with this, the best and most consistent i've seen is still neem oil. you can find a lot of info here Removing and Preventing Spider Mites