Spider Mites


Active Member
This is the first time I've ever tried growing. Many people think there is not point in it but I'm only growing one plant. So, I've recently noticed white spots on the leaves of my plant. The top leaves seem to be lush and green, but the lower leaves seem to be lighter green/yellow. Is this spider mites? If so what do I do? I'm oblivously a newbie and this is sort of an expierement for me.


can you get a picture. Spider mites leave really tiny speckling on the leaves and 9 times out of 10 when you flip the leaf over there will be eggs ''tiny white eggs'' along the main vain of the leaf


that does kind of look like it but turn your leaves over and check the underneath's of them and if you have them its fine your plant is small enough at this point you can squish them with your fingers ''eggs and mites''


I am not sure that they are causing all the yellowing though ''if you even have them'' the yellowing looks to be a nitrogen def. does your soil have any fert. in it or are you starting to feed them anything?


some are brownish red ''adults'' then eggs and baby's are light colored white. usually when they die they turn black but there should be little tiny white balls along the leaf's main vain.... is that a clone?


Active Member
I know every grower absolutely hates it but I used Miracle Grow Moisture Control Potting Soil because it's all I had access to. I also have Miracle Grow Bloom Booster Plant food that i've been watering them with. It seems that any grower who knows what their doing hates this stuff but there were some people who said it worked great for their grows. I obviously have no idea what im doing i'm just trying to get some experience for some future legit grows.


true most don't like the idea as I don't either but I understand where your coming from if its all you got. I have seen very good results with it ''if used lightly'' not sure if you have even seen BUDMAN on youtube but he uses it and get huge plants......Just be careful not to over water with that soil. A plant that size should only need water maybe every 4-5 days


If you can not see any moving spots or eggs on the leaf vain my guess is it is not mites. I just had problems with them in my grow and its been a 3 month battle to get rid of them, and has cost me a lot of $$


take your plant to the sink holding you hands over the soil so it doesn't fall out and tip the plant on its side and rinse with cool ''not cold'' water. Then gently rub and press on the leaves without damaging the vains


thanks that's a super skunk X MOB cross of my own making that I grew a while ago... you can check out some nice TD auto's in my journal they changed the way I think about auto's........hope you get this straightened out man spider mites can be a real bitch


Active Member
your gunna wanna use different soil or ask one of the fine mg growers here cause you can do it right with mg, personally i use happy frog for my grows and technaflora nutes im quite happy with my results get a mh/hps convesion light kit and a thermomator to check the temps in the 70s should be good for a grow room ... that should help you on future grows remember you cant go wrong upgrading


Active Member
Looks like you got several issues hun..
1st-- yep- mites. Drench the plant in a mild solution of water and a few drops of ivory or dawn dish washing soap....

2nd- watch your watering! they are drowning! make sure the drain holes in the planter are big enough- and only water when the soil dries out and the planter is really light- but before they wilt...

3rd- not enough or maybe not the right kind of light-- very 'leggy' and stretched.. what Lights are you using? how far away from the plants?

4th-- what kind of soil- and are you feeding it? If Feeding- with what at what amount and how often?

More info helps us help you ! ;)


GEDC0391.jpgGEDC0428.jpgGEDC0429.jpgGEDC0442.jpgThese are some of the auto's I am growing. They have been through a spider mite battle where I got a clone from someone and was vegged it in this room not knowing it had mites and they spread to a few of mine. I used a pyrithian they sprayed with azamax and neem oil a few times and have so far completely rid of them