Spidermite!!! Help!

WAY too low. VERY bad advice. One thing that you want to consider when applying a low pH foliar spray is the potential for powdery mildew. End up trading one problem for another. PM likes the acidic environment, thus why many treatments for PM are alkaline in nature.

Repeatedly applying "weak sauce" remedies can become a recipe for powdery mildew if you also have times of low RH%. So it becomes important for those in dry climates to keep the humidity from bottoming out. Powdery mildew loves the low RH% alternating with high RH%. In flower these repeated foliar applications can also cause bud rot.
Its worked for me for years. Dont shoot things down unless you try them. Too much of this culture is based on a solution that you buy in a bottle.

If you have a problem, 99% alcohol & dish soap in a spray bottle works too. Just dont use it during flower.....
Its worked for me for years. Dont shoot things down unless you try them. Too much of this culture is based on a solution that you buy in a bottle.

If you have a problem, 99% alcohol & dish soap in a spray bottle works too. Just dont use it during flower.....

Just to add, here is a bit more information with regards to 2.5 hp acidic water

Bottom line you have to do the math as stated above and fumigate the room usually more than once and may need to buy several replacement strips as they loose there initial strength in a few days , I throw them out after 4 days ...

Just to comment... The package says it's good to 4 months, don't know if that's what he meant. Hopefully I won't have to use it as no mites (again) for 2 weeks +.
Just to comment... The package says it's good to 4 months, don't know if that's what he meant. Hopefully I won't have to use it as no mites (again) for 2 weeks +.

The person that wrote that is a Micro-biologist. I used them after I read their post years ago. but I would say if they said they only are efficient for a few days, then they are more than likely right, but I kept mine in the room for a few weeks just to kill any lingering eggs. and I haven't seen any mites in years. didn't affect me or the ladies in any ways with the exception of getting rid of mites and really fast too.
I did put them in zip lock baggies if I was going to work in room for more than a few hours.