Spotty leaf problem


Active Member
We use molasses in the compost building process, we get it from the local suger cane co-op. Not sure if it is unsulfered but can easily find out.

Thanks for your input mate



Well-Known Member
sorry but i really dont think that is a calcium def.

99 percent of the time a calcium deficiency will start from the leaf margins or tips and make its way inward.. the pics you posted have almost no margin and tip damage that is uniform, it is all spread around.

also calcium deficiencies are a very rusty color, like a rust spot whereas the marks in the pictures show like eyes or rings of color which usually shows a disease.. i would HIGHLY suggest looking back at the links i posted two posts ago and analyze the spotting compared to the spots you have on your plants...



Well-Known Member
while you may be correct with the virus, Idont see where a virus would cause that leaf contortion common with p deficiency nor the yellowing of the leaf. but hopefully he covered that with his spray.


Active Member
FloJo, I did look through the links you posted, thanks for that. Yup she is looking very
close to that Tabacco Moziac virus. My partner in "FUN" had a visit from a friend of
his who happens to be a bio-chemist and grower. He knew what it was (sorry I didn't
write the name of it down, but will find out and post it here). But it is a virus similar
to the spotted blight you get on tomatoes (one close by the plant I post images of
has it. And was why I thought of the Copper Oxychloride spray. And is what he has
suggested using.

Further on... well it's been three days since the spray (I've only done one effected
plant) and I have to say I can see no further increase to the infection, in fact some
of the spots have or are changing (not looking like eyes anymore) but more a
conformed colour of brown across ther spots. Looks to me as though they're drying
out for want of a better explanation. And the plant already looks over all heathier
or more vibrant... maybe it just me. But you tend to notice things when your looking
all the time.

Anyways I'll post some pics over the next day or so.

Merry Xmas bro's and have a safe, stoned and kicked back New Year!!! unless your
into partying then party hard bro's but keep safe



Well-Known Member
glad you got it diagnosed and on the way to curing your problem.. i hope they turn out to be everything you expect! merry xmas and happy new year!


Active Member
Well chaps I hope you had a great Xmas and NY eve/day/and any others that may
have followed :-). I've been pretty busy... got back to work Xmas arvo 8-). The spray
worked a treat.

Anyways we're having another lil problem with a few of our plants. We're hoping this
problem maybe fairly well known moungst the you fellas. Although I've had similar
prob's with this in the past, it has been very minimal and never really cared. The
thing that confuses me is, it's only happening on one or two plants in each
patch, the next plant along is not efected (Same Dirt & mixtures).

Here's a few pics of a couple of examples one plant is in full sun the other is on a
raised bed in a swamp. We have other patches with a similar thing going on.
I've taken Ph levels on all the sites and in multiple places, my thoughts were Ph but
although there is a few slight problems over all they are pretty good.

I know one of the plants in the pics look very dry (159kb), ph levels varied from
6.8-7.0 but it is wet below and was about to get a good soaking anyway. The last two
images the plant is in a swamp. The Ph levels there are a bit all over the place but
mostly within the 6.5-7.5 range, some of the other healthy plants.

The possibilities I've been thinking of was (a) Nute burn, but we really haven't been
going overboard, infact my personal patch has been pumped with no sign of this
problem. (b) Ph? yeah but the site are showing an overall good level, except for
one plant, which we'll fix with a bit of ag lime. (c) my friend and partner say he has
seen similar goings on with spider mite?

Anyways I thought I've get some more thoughts.

Thanks in advance:weed:


