

Active Member
ok so right now inside my cab i have space blankets there kinda a pain in the ass but i had a idea i know they have flatwhite spraypaint and metalic spray paint anyways i was wondering if you could use that for the inside of the cab i could use flat white or they have a "brilliant silver" spray paint what do ya think


Active Member
Flat white is the best, it reflects nearly the entire spectrum. You dont need anything shiny or metalic as it will not be as effective. I bought a gallon and roll it on. I also repaint between grows.


Active Member
but the question was can i use spray paint or would a gallon of paint work better and is titanium dioxide in flat white or is that somthing to look for in it?

Juicy Fruit

Active Member
spray paint is the same as far as I know just more expensive, I'd go with the gallon bucket paint to repaint after a harvest like someone else said they do.


Active Member
ya spray paint is the same it is just a little thinner and is mixed with propellant, but if you can't take you cab outside then roll on paint is the best.


Well-Known Member
If you paint, brush or roll it on and ONLY USE LATEX ....if you can get your cab outside, you won't have to ventilate ...........
BTW: titanium dioxide is the pigment that gives it the "white" color.....


Well-Known Member
dude don't use spray IMO it gives out too much smell and vapor and is more messy as well as more expensive, and if you think it's easier to apply, well it's not.


Active Member
The only other option is oil based and they don't handle moisture and humidity so well. Don't worry just about all paint is latex.


Active Member
oh ok that works then i think im gonna finish this grow using the reflective blanket then go to painting it white so we shall see...... oh and you should check out my grow and let me know what you think!!!!