Square Foot Garden Assistence needed.

Ok so here is the story,

The wife and I are growing a modest sized square foot garden. I may have added an extra pot to the garden.

Now here is the problem...the weather has been very decent around here and despite growing from seed (no prior germination) in exposed soil they seem be taking off, much faster than I had planned for.

At the point I am at I need to work on a small grow setup to finish these ones they exceed the height of my fence.

I have contemplated building a closet sized room before but until the LEDs available on the market are more readily accepted and more precious. However I have a found a deal on a xenon balast I do not think I can turn down. With a correct zenon bulb I think I could finish these little guys off properly.

However I am not looking to spend tons of cash on a large scale grown room.

My medium is organic composted soil. I am doing a full garden organic and I plan on continuing the tradition when put into stealth mode. I saw an interesting video a while back for tomatoes and I was wondering if anyone has tried this in medical applications?


Any feedback would be greatly appreciative.

I would also like to thank all of the writers and participants of the threads and articles I have read since joining and even before than. This is a great community.




Well-Known Member

I've attended square foot gardening seminars, but I don't understand your question. what exactly are you asking? how to deal with large plants? the SFG plan has rules for placing certain amounts of plants in each square. for example I would put one tomato plant in teach at MAX but a lot of plants break the rules
I know realize that I hadn't actually finished the thought,

Ok so the plants are currently living in a 1'x3' box. They are currently ranging from 6"-12".

I am planning on adding the vacuum fluff to my tomatoes and my mj. Mostly just to see what happens, I am so curious.

At what point "ideally" would I want to bring them indoor (grown in us zone 6)? Would it be height, or time based?

Also I would like to regulate their height, I was thinking of attempting to train/trim them to the same height once the growth of all of my plants have evened out.

Basically what I am looking for is any incite from other people starting outside with the eventual intent of moving it indoors.


you can bring your plants indoors pretty much whenever you want if theʻre big enough. I think i read somewhere that you can flower them at 2 ft for a good harvest. Dealing with the vacuum fluff I personally wouldnʻt even go there just cause i donʻt want to touch the stuff. But that bottomless pot thing did sound pretty cool. to regulate the heights you could pinch the tops of the taller plants and let the smaller plants grow or LST them.


Active Member
i say just top the fuck out of it until it start flowering, stop the upward growth and make it grow wide.

but that might not be how you SFG.