Square foot grow


Well-Known Member
thats day 16? i thought mine grew slowly im not trashin ya but feel like all these books and such tease ya at what they have by day 21 etc good luck with the grow


Active Member
Ayup 12n12 jus popin in nice 2 c yr littluns r doin well.
Passed me "crown o budz" on 2 a mate 2 finish in his room wiv his big girlz out grew me 12 12 space,started 12/12 wiv rooted clones got 2 in at da mo.I call em "da twinz". Day iz doin real well 4 10 days in flower will post pics soon.Gud luk wiv ya grow i will keep watchin.


Active Member
mccladd jeepboi winkdogg420 thanks for coming by im glad you have something to say
yea im having some big pH problems the soil i have just wont come down and i repotted already once so im going today and get something else any suggestions?


Active Member
R u checkin da PH b4 u water or iz u checkin da runoff,coz 2 me itz wot goes in datz more important not da run off.Jus n idea m8.


Active Member
That 125w is more efficent hung the other way because its tip doesnt give off as much light as the sides.

I used a light meter on a 125w i have.

just a suggestion.


Active Member
macclad im checking it going in and runoff. i was putting in @ 5.5 trying to bring it down but still was @ 7.5 runoff
now im putting it in @ 6.0 runoff is still 7.5 but im not stressing on it anymore
i went to the hydro store and bought some goodies and im going to repott right now

joesmoma...thanks for coming by thanks for the input a few nights ago i changed stuff around and hung the bulb horizontally i didnt like it hanging its just so damn heavy it was breaking the sockets i had it mounted in but now i got it fixed proper!!!

again thanks all for your support and interest and info greatly appreciated !!!!


Active Member
went to the hydro store on saturday and got a couple gooodies
got some FF Light Warrior and repotted with
60% Light Warrior
30% FF Ocean Forest
10% Perlite
24hours later and they are looking a bit better!!
picked up a 7" dome
TechnaFlora Recipe for Success starter kit....which is pretty cool i might just go with this company i like their line
I used the Thrive Alive B-1 Red and soaked the soil and i just sprayed them down with Thrive Alive B-1 Green Foliage Spray
...anyone have some suggestions concerning TechnaFlora?

# 4 first sign.............12hours...............48hours

24 hours after Repott

and Two more Buns in the Oven


Active Member
Here is my update things are going great since i transplanted
if anyone is watching ive come to my own conclusion that FoxFarms Ocean Forest is ToO muCH for seedlings
im sure my new goodies may have had a hand in perking them up
since i transplanted to 60% Light Warrior 30% Ocean Forest 10% Perlite they have been showing awesome growth and the green is coming back and they just look tits to mee
thank you all for coming by and those of you that have contributed im smoking one for you right now... thanks again
check em out let me know what you think
number 6 has surfaced and still holding onto the shell but no worthy pics
here is number 5 the weirdo one of the leaves is flipped over...

number 4 she is comfortable chillin ...her and i just smoked a bowl

number 3 is a dork a couple of the leaves are growing weird

number 2 i love how even she is

and number 1 the biggest so far another muty leaf but a lot of growth even starting to see some internode spacing...