Started flowering to early.. help


Active Member

New here and need help.

i forced my plants to flower at 1 foot , they are 5 days into flowering.

was that to early ?

can i change them back to veg , the plants where about 6 weeks old when i started flower.

soil grow
good ph
plants look good

first grow, and advice would be a great help



Active Member

just put plants in lights and they have grown overnight !!! maybe they are ready to flower?

still would like a pros advice...

and thanks dude, mine look nothing like yours. i have been cropping or cutting off the big leaves to get more light to the shoots, is this correct ? not all big leaves just some.

any advice help now lol

godbless ty


Well-Known Member
i did the same thing just kept on taking some of the bigger leafs off every now and again but i topped mine pretty earley so i had 2 main stems cause i didnt want them two tall.plants grow 2-3 times the size when u flower


Active Member
I will have to try topping early, i want mine to have to big branches like yours.. how early did u top ?

thanx dudes


Well-Known Member

just put plants in lights and they have grown overnight !!! maybe they are ready to flower?

still would like a pros advice...

and thanks dude, mine look nothing like yours. i have been cropping or cutting off the big leaves to get more light to the shoots, is this correct ? not all big leaves just some.

any advice help now lol

godbless ty
Hey, u can flower from day 1 if u want to, it's never too early...

I only cut leaves when I trim before flowering, or if a big leaf is blocking a bud site. If they get too tall u can LST (tie it down).

Here is a picture of how u deal with height...


Some people tie down for different reasons, I did it to keep the side branches the same height as the top cola since I'm only using CFL's for this grow.

mr west

Well-Known Member
leave them flowering man if u fuck them about tween veg and flower too much u will panic the plant into hermiphication and it will grow male balls so it pollenates its self and u dont want that man.

mr west

Well-Known Member
i flower my girls about 4 weeks old so ur on track for a nicew crop man chill, in fact the plant in my avatar was 3 weeks old wen i put her into flower and she weighed in at 1 an half oz dry after 9 weeks flowering and 4 days drying.
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Active Member

just put plants in lights and they have grown overnight !!! maybe they are ready to flower?

still would like a pros advice...

and thanks dude, mine look nothing like yours. i have been cropping or cutting off the big leaves to get more light to the shoots, is this correct ? not all big leaves just some.

any advice help now lol

godbless ty
There is no reason to remove leaves unless they are yellow and come off with a slight tug. Take some time with your plant, it will let you know when leaves need to be removed. Leaves are your friends and how your buds get energy.

I believe that even when a leaf is shadowing a bud, its better to keep the leaf. If you MUST, use a twist tie or something to bend the leaf so light hit the bud. But *I* think that light hitting the leaf is a better source of energy than light hitting the bud, I mean, which is bigger, ie a better source for photosynthesis.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
if u look on the first page of this thread ther's some ther but there not great pic's but i start one tomorrow with new pic's