Starting a delivery service. Where do dispensaries get their meds from?


New Member
I plan on opening a small delivery service. I figure talking to the growers is the best place to start. I have a few questions and Any help would be greatly appreciated

1. How do clubs find med vendors are there "brokers" or wholesale collectives?

2. Whats a fair price to pay per pound? I plan on charging 10 dollars a gram and 30 dollars an eighth. Between 2,000 and 2500 for indoor? 1,500-2,000 for greenhouse? 1,000-1,500 for outdoor?

3. Any tips when checking out meds?

4. What are some of the most popular strains?

I have plenty more questions but ill start with these to see how willing you guys are to help.
He might be a regular idiot with a stupid idea. lmao a delivery service. Why and how does someone do that?!
He might be a regular idiot with a stupid idea. lmao a delivery service. Why and how does someone do that?!
I am not an idiot... I have had trouble getting CONSISTANT quality meds. I am asking how the other dispensaries and delivery services find wholesale meds and what prices they pay.
That is, if you are who the rec belongs to. If not, you're a dick for trying to get someone "in trouble"
hey matt, i would like to chat with you via pm. i am not sure how many, but you need more posts to have the ability to use pm. write some more so we could chat.
also, matt, i would suggest that you proceed as anonymous --- take your rec down, change your id here to something different from your real name.
Dispensaries just buy bud from people that walk in..most high volume places have specific days they see vendors, at this point its mostly regulars that have existing relationships. Dispensaries have the benefit of a brick and mortar establishment to conduct business in, usually with guards and even metal detectors sometimes.

If someone were to decide they wanted to do a delivery service and didnt already have connections for product,they would have to meet with people from online from places like budtrader or craigslist. Unfortunately that is a dark and treacherous road as the internet is infested with parasites whose existence is supported by ripping people off.