Starting Fresh

dude if i tiripped as hard as that looks i would never come down

HAHA, i hear ya man, that thing is nuts, i gotta see one of these things in real life! found some seeds on deffinetly gonna try these out, i guess they need lots of nutrients and water, and slightly acidic soil.
HAHA, i hear ya man, that thing is nuts, i gotta see one of these things in real life! found some seeds on deffinetly gonna try these out, i guess they need lots of nutrients and water, and slightly acidic soil.
That broccoli is awesome, just saw it for the first time the other day. Definitely be something cool to have in the garden.
thanks, although today it rained, and it occured to me that i had forgotten to take that into account. i guess thats what i get for trying to build things too high. heh gonna have to redesign to lid this weekend to be a bit more nature-ready
good ole 'romanesco', natures lil fractal poster :D

I would personally love to see it grown though
Once I get this gardening thing down I definitely think I'm going to try some more exotic fruits and vegetables to grow. That broccoli is top of the list.

My wife is transplanting the watermelon right now to party cups because the roots are growing out of the Jiffy starters.

There's still snow on the ground so I'm going to be pushing it with getting this garden built in time for final transplant.
are you doing the watermelons outside?
does it get hot hot in the summer?
we're on the southern coast (where it doesn't get super super hot even in the middle of summer, like it does inland) and my mom finally gave up on her outdoor watermelons because she always only gets 1 or 2 fruits that are fist sized at the end of the season and just pinkish in the middle.... hubby just suggested he might be willing to build me a lean-to greenhouse the other day, if it materialises i'm thinking i may give them a go in that.
it kinda sounds like your melons are not getting pollinated soon enough. ine did the same thing last year. this year i am using a brush and paint on pollin sooner
it kinda sounds like your melons are not getting pollinated soon enough. ine did the same thing last year. this year i am using a brush and paint on pollin sooner

good to know! if i try them (if the lean-to actually happens) this'll be my first go at them. so you just use a brush "pretend to be a bee" with it?
good to know! if i try them (if the lean-to actually happens) this'll be my first go at them. so you just use a brush "pretend to be a bee" with it?

ya we be the bee's.
i have not tried it yet but i figure that is why i did not have so many. their is alot of growers here who get big melons. the only thing i could think of is under pollination
Here's a couple pics of some of the melons after transplant.

Just now starting to see the pepper sprouts today also.


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looking good man.
all my plants and sprouts are looking like shit cuz it got a bit to cold inthe GH a few days back. im hoping they recover soon
looking good man.
all my plants and sprouts are looking like shit cuz it got a bit to cold inthe GH a few days back. im hoping they recover soon
I saw that in your thread.:-( Hope they turn out alright for you.

Sucks that we've been having this cold weather lately, I haven't gotten much done.
ya i hate the cold. im sure they will bounce back in a weeh or so. the new growth looks fine but alot of the older stuff is just gonna die off.
Quick update on how thing are going. We've been transplanting as they've been needing it and everything seems to be going really well so far. The snow's finally off the ground but I'm waiting for the ground to harden up a bit so my tractor doesn't tear up my yard too much. It's still going to be a while before I'm able to put them outside anyway.


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they look really good. i see them all stretching one way for the light. mine do that as well
I think I'll be picking up a green house by next grow season. I have some areas in my house that get a decent amount of sunlight but I still don't think it's quite enough.