Starting Fresh

looks really nice man, cant wait to see it done and growing. i noticed the corn looks like your doing one long row is this correct?
ive always read and been told corn should be planted in rows with a few behind and a few in front as well to ensure pollination f every thing.

like have one long row and then 1 foot behing that another row and maybe one more. if that makes sense.
looks really nice man, cant wait to see it done and growing. i noticed the corn looks like your doing one long row is this correct?
ive always read and been told corn should be planted in rows with a few behind and a few in front as well to ensure pollination f every thing.

like have one long row and then 1 foot behing that another row and maybe one more. if that makes sense.
Most likely I'll be staggering the corn and tomatoes but the program wouldn't let me put it in that way.

It's pretty much a rough version for me to work off of that'll change as I plant.
looks really nice man, cant wait to see it done and growing. i noticed the corn looks like your doing one long row is this correct?
ive always read and been told corn should be planted in rows with a few behind and a few in front as well to ensure pollination f every thing.

like have one long row and then 1 foot behing that another row and maybe one more. if that makes sense.

McPurple is correct on the corn better to have the first 10 plants in the first 4 or 5 rows in order for the corn to polinate properly. I was just going to puthtem in 2 full rows then I read up on it some and found that corn does better bunched up rather than spread out. So I switched my plans up and hopefully it works out well. lol
I should be planting and transplanting this Thursday just to let everyone know.

I'll post up an update and pics when I get things started.
Just finished up planting and transplanting everything for the garden. I had a few extra rows so some of the stuff that were originally going to have short rows became full rows.

I threw in a pic of the little strawberry bed I built today and all a couple of the apple trees I planted a few days ago.

Everything seems to be doing alright and the weather here should be good for the next few days so hopefully it'll the plants settle in.


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wow 420god, it looks great in theri. i take it the weather is supposed to be getting better theri?
we have are supposed to be in the 70's all week long and then it just gets hotter from theri
wow 420god, it looks great in theri. i take it the weather is supposed to be getting better theri?
we have are supposed to be in the 70's all week long and then it just gets hotter from theri
Thank you, and yeah the weather is finally getting pretty decent here. It's going to be in the high 70's for the next few days with light overcast and no rain so I had to rush to get everything planted while it was nice. The weather this year has been really weird here in the midwest and it's kinda throwing off our grow season.
same here man, almost every where on the west coast has had odd weather again, last years weather was weird but this year was so much worse, even the farmers here havent planted yet. although now that it is nice out they will be planting.

i got a job on a farm doing pretty much every thing theri is to do theri plus the landscaping maintance, on Tuesday we are going to planting a few thousand starts outside and starting another few thousand seeds to plant in a few weeks
same here man, almost every where on the west coast has had odd weather again, last years weather was weird but this year was so much worse, even the farmers here havent planted yet. although now that it is nice out they will be planting.

i got a job on a farm doing pretty much every thing theri is to do theri plus the landscaping maintance, on Tuesday we are going to planting a few thousand starts outside and starting another few thousand seeds to plant in a few weeks
Sounds like a sweet job and possibly a good learning experience. You'll definitely be busy with all that planting but at least you'll be outside for the most part.
Sounds like a sweet job and possibly a good learning experience. You'll definitely be busy with all that planting but at least you'll be outside for the most part.

ah man i love it, i cant stop telling people about, it makes me feel like im bragging but i am not im just really happy. and yes very busy. this summer should be good for me. no UA ing and they are felon friendly. it is my dream job right now, and is gonna be great for my future as this is what i want to own and do myself some day
ah man i love it, i cant stop telling people about, it makes me feel like im bragging but i am not im just really happy. and yes very busy. this summer should be good for me. no UA ing and they are felon friendly. it is my dream job right now, and is gonna be great for my future as this is what i want to own and do myself some day

I'm happy for you man, nothing better in life than doing something you find fulfilling.:blsmoke:
Here's a few pics I just took of the garden and where we're at right now.

The corn is coming in nicely and the tomato plants seem to be recovering ok after the heat wave we had right after transplant.


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Here's a few more pics I took this morning. In the pics are the corn, tomatoes, radishes, potatoes, and lettuce.

The tomatoes, peppers and melons were burnt really bad from a heat wave we had come through just after transplant but it looks like the tomatoes and peppers are healing alright, I'm not sure if the melons will be any good this year though.


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very nice 420. ive noticed that the potatoes looks similar to tomato plants in a way. your garden looks to be doing great to me, looks like youll be pulling them radishes here soon to.
in the 1st pic theri is a box with 2 plants in it. what are they? im gonna guess strawberries?
very nice 420. ive noticed that the potatoes looks similar to tomato plants in a way. your garden looks to be doing great to me, looks like youll be pulling them radishes here soon to.
in the 1st pic theri is a box with 2 plants in it. what are they? im gonna guess strawberries?
Yep, those are my daughters strawberries, we're hoping to fill that box with plants next year and throw a few more fruit trees behind the garden.

I pulled quite a few radishes yesterday and planted a few more in there place. I'm not a huge fan of radishes but they turned out really good, really crisp with a good flavor.
well most strawberries make babies after fruiting, so you should have more strawberry plants by the end of the year, some types create runners and some produce new plants threw the rhizomes, i have both but the runners seem to produce way more new plants, my berries in my 5 gal pot have made about 15 new plants for me already, im not a huge fan of radishes either but some times i like to nibble on tem. hae you ever had a watermelon radish, they are by far my favorite, when small they are kinda spicy but i found the bigger they get the sweeter they get to.