For those that might not be aware, there is a more 'correct' way to plant seeds directly into your medium. The tap-root emerges from the end of the seed that is clearly (typically) more pointed. At the opposing end is the circular seam, which you want to face upwards. Only cover with 1/4 inch (no more than 1/2 inch) layering of your mix and water thoroughly with a solution of a good liquid seaweed (Maxicrop). Do not cover.
Sure you could toss the seed in the hole randomly. The seedling will eventually orient itself and break through the surface, but you might find that they are happier when they are sown more thoughtfully.
Sure you could toss the seed in the hole randomly. The seedling will eventually orient itself and break through the surface, but you might find that they are happier when they are sown more thoughtfully.