State your age.

well, you got the first part right. college is actually a day care program for overage pre-adolescents.
Looks like we DO share some common ground... hehe :bigjoint:

I'm actually upset that my university did not teach me more modern and applicable skills. The most valuable skills were ones that I learned on my own... they were not even covered or taught...

Took me seven years to get my Bachelor's simply because I paid my own tuition with full time work. There was even a time I was working three jobs and going to school. It makes me furious that they would take all that money and put forth no effort to teach EMPLOYABLE skills. They will do things like teach you a programming language, but never teach you the APLs of leading operating systems. Sad state of affairs, the universities are...

In the 7 years I attended, tuition had doubled overall... and attendance had increased... to the point where there were not enough parking spaces to meet demand... and beyond...

It truly pisses me off that they have time to focus on starting their own "BIG TEN" TV channel... but neglect the curriculum that they offer.


I am glad you said most of the time a bad typer is immature. My husband is keenly intelligent with an extremely high IQ, but was dismissed from formal education at the age of 12. Dispite debillitating diseases in his mid forties he continues to work at what he can do instead of whining about what he can no longer do. His sentences run on much like his mind. He is a think tank 24/7 and I love and adore him inspite of his poor grammer and punctuation skills. He is also a man of honor and old school street ethics: he has taught me alot.
I am glad you said most of the time a bad typer is immature. My husband is keenly intelligent with an extremely high IQ, but was dismissed from formal education at the age of 12. Dispite debillitating diseases in his mid forties he continues to work at what he can do instead of whining about what he can no longer do. His sentences run on much like his mind. He is a think tank 24/7 and I love and adore him inspite of his poor grammer and punctuation skills. He is also a man of honor and old school street ethics: he has taught me alot.
My husband owns a media network that is going nationwide. And when it comes to the magazine division- he doesn't even know how to type that well. And spelling? Thank God for spell checker!

I'm like you- I look behind the simple flaws that we all have and I see the spirit that drives the person. What I find in most of these topic blogs is one group of people who simply hate the facts. And fact is both parties are one in the same- not much difference. But when there is a difference- it's huge!

The repulican party was hijacked. It is much like the Democratic party. And that is coming to an end.

We, my husband and I, have watched the lines being blurred for about a decade now. No clear distintion between the two.

With that being said- do you think the media will ever give voice to a viable third party/independent? No way in hell !
So we began building this network for the Independent men and women among us to use to the best of their ability.

I will say this much whether some people like it or not- I will leave you all with this- think about it:

1Pe 2:15 For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:
As free people, and not using your liberty as a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.

Now only a fool will argue with this.

So lets see how many fools there be.
The above sounds a little snarky but... it's early and I'm still on my first cup of coffee.

Independents are comeing alive now more than ever before. We have learned that the media and their 2 party system is not good for America or the world for that fact- so....
Unite Independents! And make your own media! Put to silence the words and actions of ignorant (globally control puppets) with the facts; all that is true, good and right!