Stealth Dresser Grow!!!!


Well-Known Member
Here are the Ingredients Of the Nutrients

Shcultz Liquid Plant Food

Nitrogen - 10%
Phosphate - 15%
Coluble Potash - 10%
Iron - 0.10%
Manganese - 0.05%
Zinc - 0.05%


Well-Known Member
this grow is really impressin me. love your innovation man. looks like you could use a little ventelation
Those plants look exactly like the female plants that I had. The leaf structure and layout are exactly the same. Good grow by the way, they look really good.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man I just wish I seen the pistils to be 100% And i also wish that I didnt have the yellowing leaves on the bottom... But I guess I gotta wait see if it clears up...


Well-Known Member
Couple More Pics...
I replaced all the smaller cfls with a size up and they have 25 more lumens each bulb so increased by 200 lumens total the more the merrier...

Also if you look closely you can see the plant in the front row on the left the smallest one... its a lighter green/yellow....:neutral:



Well-Known Member
So when I add some more nutes they should come back or are those leaves just guna die now completely?And If I start flowering in 1-3 days is it ok that im putting the nutes before the flowering change??

Im hoping in 1-3 days the sex shows i gotta start the flowering process cuz the tall ones are getting to BIG for comfort...Cyz if thre guna at least double I dunt wanna get fucked up in the end...
They will not completely recover if the yellowing is really bad, which
yours doesn't look like they are bad at all.

You can supplement veg nutes to flowering plants for 1-3 weeks if
you'd like. Just remember, the plant will always let some leaves
go anyway.


Well-Known Member
Ok heres the thing... I went to a buddys and he gave Pre mixed We mixed it our selves by the bottle.. Dutch Nutrients Or Dutch Advanced... Its the A-B Kit that you mix the 2 bottles together (FLOWERING NUTRIENTS "BLOOM") I Have it in a 2 Litre Bottle So we doubled the dossage and Im going to use it for next time they need it... I used the Shultz Liquid plant food for the the veggin 2 times.... but the last time witch was 4-5 days ago...they started turning yellow people on the forum are saying Nitrogen defficency and the shultz doesnt have enuff Nitrogen... so wat im trying to get at is when can i use the nutrient that I premixed today because i am in the flowering stage now 3 or 4 days now... AND I jsut watered them today so iI wont be able to water them for 2-3 days witch gives the plant more time to freakin turn yeloowwww :cry:


dont feed anymore nutes... remove dying leaf bits and give a big flush. they should bounce back in a week.


Well-Known Member
start flowering those soon or they will be twice or 3 times the height. pre flowers don't show up for quite a while for normal flowering strains during veg growth. the yellowing of the lower leaves is them telling you that they need nutes. make sure you use the correct lighting spectrum for flowering. maybe get higher wattage bulbs like 42 watters. ill be watching good luck man