Stealth Grow-started on my window - bedroom - 2x20w + 23w +more to come - <<female>>


Well-Known Member
well, i prunned a few of the lower budsites off and cut away a couple of leaves that i though was blocking light too much. i also tied another few branches down to try and even the canopy cos it was getting very high at one side compared to the rest. i thought i could focus a bit more energy on the main bud sites so they might grow denser buds and not use as much energy for popcorn buds. and...

does anyone if i would be able to top the blue cheese plants that will be starting at 12/12. they will be sprouting above the soil in a few hours.

i will post new pics when the tied down branches grow up and into position...


Well-Known Member
i thought that cos the plant isnt exactly vegging is it, so after i grow the 2 blue cheese, i might start some chiesel, but i want to start about 4 or 5 and wait for males, then remove them and keep the rest growing under 12/12. i spent a while there reading more details on ways to LST, i learnt alot more on different techniques to use it while LSSTing such as cutting side branches off, i know now how to control it alot more, the plant i have now was just tied down, nothing else but its still great for my first time.....


Well-Known Member
hi, i was wondering if anyone knew any methods of cooling the air going into the box.. such as using a peltier and heatsink infront of the intake. if i cant try and cool the air going in i am going to try and add ducting to the light and attatch it to the Exhaust. so the exhaust fan will be sucking air through the light bulb and out the exhaust at the top, i think this will work cooler than tryin a heatsink over the intake. does anyone have any other suggestion that i can use with 80mm pc fans. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Attach ducting to your intake and put the other end of the ducting next to an a/c vent or an open window to bring in cool air. The exhaust should be at the highest point of the box


Well-Known Member
i live in Ireland, so i could get all 4 seasons in 1 day, but a few hours ago i came into my bedroom and noticed the fans were very quite(they were not on), so i checked the temperature before i opened my box and it was 33degrees. the power supply for the fans broke and 3 of 4 fans stopped working. so now there is only an exhaust fan(intake, plant blower, bulb cooler all broke)...but it gets better...

normally the temperature is around 30 but since 3 fans broke, i increased the exhaust fan voltage and the temperature had dropped to i think im going to be staying with 1 exhaust fan.


Active Member
mate i done the same grow in cabinet exactly like urs, let me giv u a tip, ditch the tin foil it soaks up more light then it reflects! jus paint the inside and inside of door completly white!! willl do the trick lovely and reflect that light all around the space, ur llights r perfect props for the reflecter idea! and also tape around the door during the "lights off" period and if u can cover the door with a towel or sumthing its important not to let light in!.. i also put in 2 metal hangers each top corner of the outside of cabinet and put up a flag to make the grow less obvious! anyway hope this helps goodluck!!


Well-Known Member
thanks. i borrowed that reflector of my mate so now i have to give him it back cos he is starting his again. so last nite i removed the reflector and added an exhaust pipe to my CFL. this has dropped the highest temperature down to 26c. it was usually about 30c or a little bit more at most. now the average is about 25. so now ive really got the temperatures under control i am going to be adding in the smaller bulbs i started with(11+11+20+20+23). this will bring my lights to a total of 235W. so here are some new pics. does anyone know if i can change the title of my thread.....its misleading now.... and i got a little bit of nutrient burn on some lower leaves, i think this is sorted now. now onto the pics. :) :) :) :) today i really started to notice the trichomes starting to grow on inside leaves. they are cool looking, u can really see the difference with these everyday. here is the newest pics....



Active Member
looking good mate like the way u got it set up in there :D but u should really get some mylar or white paint all over the inside :P but if u do paint remeber to let the closet air and dry for 2 days b4 u put ur plants in else the chemical smell can kill em as i found out with a previous grow :P , also try get a tiny fan in there get some air blowing around them babys!! :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i did have a fan for blowing on the plants but i was told that if the plant has a fan on it it will put more energy into making thicker stems, if it does this it wont put that (Little tiny bit) energy into bud production, but wen i was told this last week it made sense then that night when i got home 3 of my fans were broke. :( so ive got more pics of future trichomes ill post later :-)


Well-Known Member
here is some new pics with 2 more lights wired up and on. i am going to get a tin of white spray paint as soon as i can and cover the whole inside..... the first pic is a pic of weed im smoking now its either new york city diesel or chiesel--- whatever it is, i love it, its the finest example of Marijuana iv had in a while. the second pic is a bit photo shopped but shows all the current lights but now there is also a homemade tinfoil reflector behind the 2 20w cfl's :) ... the trichomes are really starting to show now... i will get some pics of these next...



Well-Known Member
i cant believe how fast trichomes grow, i thought that they would be the slowest part or the last to fully show. last nite when i went to bed and compared to wen i woke up now....alot more are showing, they are nearly on all the leaves at the budsites. i love my Plant :)


Well-Known Member
hello again, im sorry i havent updates you all with pics lately but wen i do you will notice the difference,
1# i painted the inside of my cabinet gloss white, white makes it alot more reflective,
2# well the 2 blue cheese plants i started on(4th october-----12/12 from start) showed theyre sex >>> i got a male and female so the male was executed. (weird thing is the male plant was smaller but smelt alot more)
3# i am goin to add a UV light wen i wake up, cos im goin to bed now.

^^^^ has anyone NOTICED benefits to using a UV light aswell as other grow lights. the point in this is to increase THC...>> would anyone highly suggest against this light(24" 20w blacklight)
and i changed the lights round a little bit again so now ive got a 20W spiral light to the left & the 150w in the top middle and 2x11w to the right( and a 20w blacklight to be added soon)

i also has some fookin little small springtails in my soil(does anyone know where these fookers come from or how they start) i think i might cover the top of the soil with sand....

one last thing...Does anyone know where to get 100w or 150w HPS (security lights) in the UK for a reasonable price. i would like to buy it as a security light as it would be cheaper and then i could make the ballast remote. thanks :)

josh b

Well-Known Member
sup m8 im from uk in the south (hampshire) and having so much trouble with lighting in the uk because we dont have this "home-depot" ha.

i cant be rewiring the house in my bedroom id probs kill myself plus im using clf and my window-sill like u atm and there just over 3 weeks old.

were abouts in the uk are u?

i waz thinking about buying this before but then went back to clf's as my dad dosent want anythink to do with weed posted to my house,as my brother is on the run and the police regulary come in and look around the house for him which is reasonable even though im 18 and my whole family smoke green including them lol.

this is the light link man

also another good cheaper light. - exact thing ur looking for

i hope these help and ill be keeping a very very close eye on ur grow.

