Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics. Info Reviews

one more thing, i remember you metntioned you bought extra lights, was it the ones from Stealth hydro, where you can pick the diffrent spectrums, if so what ones did you get?

I answered this but I'll answer again.

I got the BLOOM Spectrum Lights from Stealth Hydro. The RED Spectrum.

You only need so much Blue Spectrum for VEGGING, but the more WATTS and LUMENS and Red Spectrum yu sue,t he better and bigger the buds.

Today I would buy the 65s at Lowes or Home deprot for $16.95, they are much cheaper and they are in the BLOOM Red Spectrums.
Hey roseman, im like definatlly going to be buying a stealth hydro system, but i was wondering what lights you used to flower in thouse pictures, was it the dual spectrum or multi spectrum?
also how often and how would i change the water and the nutrients? I also want to add onto this system, do you know anything about adding resivoirs?

I just found this question.

I use 40% of the GROW or VEG Bulbs, and 60% BLOOM or FLOWER Bulbs, which is still the Dual Spectrum.
I change the water and nutes weekly. And daily, I top off with nutes and water.

I have always used two reservoirs, separately. Except for my first grow, I had one tank.
thanks man, i was debating getting the second resivoir, but i suppose less watering and stuff helps, and because the bubble ponics bubbles i wont have to worry about my nutrients settling or anything eh?
I just joined this wonderful place today and just bookmarked the same bubbleponic system...did you get any good advice and what did your results get you with that system...could you please let me know...hope it was everything you were hoping for!

How do i set up my SH with two resiviours Roseman? Your awesome no other way to put it man... im wking to grow like you...thanks for your guidance god has blessed you and me for letting me find you ....i've been reading everything youve posted....joined yesterday and already got my research in motion. Im planning on getting 2 6plant containers and the double resivour. Im using already feminzied seeds in strains P.P.P, Snow White and Medusa. Any advice on these they are a indica/satvia mix and the THC content is nice with 15 - 20%. How should i set up with these key notes in mind. Should i just use the 4 lights 2 for each tank or should i get 6 for even coverage on each tank. I noticed that you had aluminum on the walls of your grow closet. Mine are a sand type color should i line the closet in foil to help with light reflection. Also someone said increasing the amount of lumens to plants would increase the yeild with the SOG effect would this work with my SH system? How do i set my plants up for the SOG with my SH system....I didnt see any chicken wire in your set up. They say its nesscary to use when growing like that to support their tops. How would i set mine up>? THANK YOU THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU !!!!YOU ROCK ROSEMAN!
How do i set up my SH with two resiviours Roseman? Your awesome no other way to put it man... im wking to grow like you...thanks for your guidance god has blessed you and me for letting me find you ....i've been reading everything youve posted....joined yesterday and already got my research in motion. Im planning on getting 2 6plant containers and the double resivour. Im using already feminzied seeds in strains P.P.P, Snow White and Medusa. Any advice on these they are a indica/satvia mix and the THC content is nice with 15 - 20%. How should i set up with these key notes in mind. Should i just use the 4 lights 2 for each tank or should i get 6 for even coverage on each tank. I noticed that you had aluminum on the walls of your grow closet. Mine are a sand type color should i line the closet in foil to help with light reflection. Also someone said increasing the amount of lumens to plants would increase the yeild with the SOG effect would this work with my SH system? How do i set my plants up for the SOG with my SH system....I didnt see any chicken wire in your set up. They say its nesscary to use when growing like that to support their tops. How would i set mine up>? THANK YOU THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU !!!!YOU ROCK ROSEMAN!

djsmrfet, this is the thread to discuss the SH System.

Go here, and I will copy and paste your questions and answer all:
i a nw user i jus wnted to know how the hell i do i post cuz i got some questions tht i need to be answered

This was posted by
Wikidbchofthewst and I saved it.
Credit goes to Wikidbchofthewst

I'm making this post after reading a "how do I start a new thread?" question for the millionth time. I kinda meant it as a joke, but who knows, maybe it'll help someone.

Ok, so, starting at the RIU homepage....


Pick the forum that your thread should go in. We're picking Newbie Central.


Click the New Thread button at the top left.


Screw it, while I'm at it I'll cover how to post pics, lol. Either click the Manage Attachments button, or if you have the photos on the web like photobucket, just post the link between the "
" tags in your post. These pics will show up IN the post, like the example pics I'm using.


When you click the Manage Attachments button, a new window like this should come up. You can either upload the pics from your computer, or you can upload them from a URL. These pics will appear as thumbnails at the buttom of your post that people can click on to enlarge.

Once you're done you can Preview Post to make sure it looks right. Then Submit New Thread and let's smoke!

This was posted by
Wikidbchofthewst and I saved it.
Credit goes to Wikidbchofthewst
Yeah I think Im gonna get this system...

i would, here some pics from mine that i started on 2/16, but thats just me one died cus my feeding tube wasnt placed right


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Roseman >>>>>> Really.. Do you work for stealth? I don't care... I think the system seems bad ass I've done alot of research and still like it, only one thing I have to know for sure, How long does it take to get to your front door.... Not to air my shit but I have 23 babys ready and my old system won't work for that many so I need something new I have maybe 5 days to get them in something prement?
Do those have enough room?? In my VERY little experience when they were to close together they seemed stifled.... Besides how long the SH system will take to get to me, I'm also worried about them being to close together????
I do not work for SH, I do get paid to write a newsletter for them. They give me gift certificates.
It normally takes a week to get them, they ship 2nd DAY UPS, but it still takes a week.
The KIT says it is a STARTER KIT, but I do grow 4 ft tall plants in them, normally three per tank.
My babies sprouted about a week ago. I put them into my new Stealth system and now the leaves are getting a little yellow. I balanced the Ph, only went 1/4 strength on the Fox Farm nutes. I am wondering if the water should be on all the time. Will it stay on all the time until the roots can reach into the water below?
I'n new to this site, and can't find how to post my own thread, so please excuse me for jumping on this one. I'm including a pic of my system, and closeup of my yellowing plants, but I think I have to put it on my own page. This is the most difficult to navigate forum Ive seen...
My babies sprouted about a week ago. I put them into my new Stealth system and now the leaves are getting a little yellow. I balanced the Ph, only went 1/4 strength on the Fox Farm nutes. I am wondering if the water should be on all the time. Will it stay on all the time until the roots can reach into the water below?
I'n new to this site, and can't find how to post my own thread, so please excuse me for jumping on this one. I'm including a pic of my system, and closeup of my yellowing plants, but I think I have to put it on my own page. This is the most difficult to navigate forum Ive seen...
just frkn build one..its super ez and WAY cheaper plus its rush get it wen you done..a system like this will cost u damn near under 20$ and no S&H fees or rush fees and you good...easier that setting up a fish tank my man
Roseman >>>>>> Really.. Do you work for stealth? I don't care... I think the system seems bad ass I've done alot of research and still like it, only one thing I have to know for sure, How long does it take to get to your front door.... Not to air my shit but I have 23 babys ready and my old system won't work for that many so I need something new I have maybe 5 days to get them in something prement?

In 2006, I bought a kit from SH. I had to ask them how to put the clamp on the Reflector hood and a 100 other questions. I emailed them everyday and I phoned them everyday, asking dozens of dumb questions.
It got to where they recognized my voice. I complained a lot too, especially about the Instruction Manual. After a month of my complaining daily, the owner told me, IF YOU THINK YOU CAN DO ANY BETTER, THEN YOU WRITE AN INSTRUCTION MANUAL. So, I did, and they liked it and used it and gave me a $50 Gift Certificate.

I kept updating it as I learned. Then the guy tht wrote their NEWSLETTER, left, and I volunteered to do it and they said YES, GREAT, so I started writing thier newsletter and we became freinds.
So, NO, I do not work for them like an employee or salesman, but I do like the Kit and helping otehr growers.

They normally take 4 or 5 days for Shipping, sometimes 2 day UPS, but lately, they ran out of grow cups and are two weeks behind in shipping kits.
My babies sprouted about a week ago. I put them into my new Stealth system and now the leaves are getting a little yellow. I balanced the Ph, only went 1/4 strength on the Fox Farm nutes. I am wondering if the water should be on all the time.
Yes, all the time.

Will it stay on all the time until the roots can reach into the water below?
I'n new to this site, and can't find how to post my own thread, so please excuse me for jumping on this one. I'm including a pic of my system, and closeup of my yellowing plants, but I think I have to put it on my own page. This is the most difficult to navigate forum Ive seen...

This was posted by
Wikidbchofthewst and I saved it.
Credit goes to Wikidbchofthewst

I'm making this post after reading a "how do I start a new thread?" question for the millionth time. I kinda meant it as a joke, but who knows, maybe it'll help someone.

Ok, so, starting at the RIU homepage....


Pick the forum that your thread should go in. We're picking Newbie Central.


Click the New Thread button at the top left.


Screw it, while I'm at it I'll cover how to post pics, lol. Either click the Manage Attachments button, or if you have the photos on the web like photobucket, just post the link between the "
" tags in your post. These pics will show up IN the post, like the example pics I'm using.


When you click the Manage Attachments button, a new window like this should come up. You can either upload the pics from your computer, or you can upload them from a URL. These pics will appear as thumbnails at the buttom of your post that people can click on to enlarge.

Once you're done you can Preview Post to make sure it looks right. Then Submit New Thread and let's smoke!

This was posted by
Wikidbchofthewst and I saved it.
Credit goes to Wikidbchofthewst