Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics. Info Reviews

No such thing as too much venting! LOL! Don't know a thing about speed controls. Probably the way to go but if I had that problem I'd put it on a timer until I found the right set-up to control the heat.
hmm good idea with the timer, but wouldn't it have to have it turn on like every 2 -4 mins for like a whole minute? what kind of timer has that precise a set up. Also i will be opening my own topic on this. but if i dont recieve much feed back i will return to this forum
The Bubbleponics system is not a good system. It's expensive and it's so hard to maintain a proper PH you have to check it almost hourly. You have to modify it to make it work so why spend $1000 when you can buy the same equipment and do a better job for $700. Remember their top of the line product (the 24 pot system) you get a 1000 hps/mh with switchable ballast. That's about $4-500. Then I bought a big squirrel cage and in-line fan. all total it cost $12-1300. The problem with the system is water flows into the tubs and that's the final spot for the water so you need to check each individual tub. That's a pain measuring ph and temperature and nutrient levels for each tub. It's a maintenance nightmare. I regret buying it.
The Bubbleponics system is not a good system. It's expensive and it's so hard to maintain a proper PH you have to check it almost hourly. You have to modify it to make it work so why spend $1000 when you can buy the same equipment and do a better job for $700. Remember their top of the line product (the 24 pot system) you get a 1000 hps/mh with switchable ballast. That's about $4-500. Then I bought a big squirrel cage and in-line fan. all total it cost $12-1300. The problem with the system is water flows into the tubs and that's the final spot for the water so you need to check each individual tub. That's a pain measuring ph and temperature and nutrient levels for each tub. It's a maintenance nightmare. I regret buying it.

I am sorry you had so many troubles with the system. I don't use the multi-tub system and don't know anyone who does. Can't be much help there, sorry.

DWC is a well known hydro method and it works. Adding feeder lines simply allows a way to feed small cuttings or seedlings before their roots hit the water. This system is as simple as that. DWC with added feeding lines for early stage of plant life.

As for a proper PH... I have had no issues. I adjust and set the ph as I fill the tote up. I check PH once a day, same time each day. It rarely moves during early veg growth. PH will move more once the plants really take off, also PPM will change. This is because the plant is eating and drinking. Normally a simple top off will get PH and PPM all back in check. 1 gallon a day is fairly common to see removed from the reservoir by the plants. You just got to keep up with them, but it really isn't much work. You should be tending to your garden daily anyway, so might as well check water.

I know this is all too little too late. Man, I really am sorry you feel you wasted that kind of cash. I wish I could have helped you out BEFORE you made the purchase. Oh well I guess. If you live in Cali, I would say try selling the clean system on something like craigslist. Hydroponic systems are legal and can be sold anywhere I suppose (check local law, don't take my word on it) but might be sketchy selling hydro equipment in a non-mj friendly state. This way you could make most of your money back. Maybe after one harvest, and then sell the system... maybe would make it out even, or even a little bit ahead. Once the money is made back, look into another way to grow. Maybe and ebb and flow table? maybe the ebb and grow kit? Do some research, ask around, post on forums before making the purchase. Get some feedback from a bunch of different sources and then go from their.

Best of luck and again, sorry for the issue my friend! :peace:
Hey guys , I just got a bubbleponics system and have yet to get anything going ... Come to the conclusion I need some basic help getting out of the gate , got some easy questions :
after adding my germinated seeds to my rock wool cubes , how much light to I need to give them at first ?
when and how often do I start watering ?
when and how often do I apply the nut's

sorry for the basic questions guys , really new
I know I'm replying to a message from way back when but I've looked around the site and see plenty of attitude towards folks like myself that have been mere consumers and know little to nothing about producing on their own. One exception to that seems to be you, who appears to be more than willing to share your knowledge. That said, I'm considering the Stealth Hydro Bubbleponics kit with the lights and such and wondered if there was any deviation necessary from the DIY guide you posted (since it looks like you actually built the kit yourself). I plan on reading it and whatever else I can find thoroughly as I'm in no rush but it has grown quite difficult to get quality smoke here lately so I've begun considering growing my own and this Bubbleponics looks like a somewhat turnkey solution that'll fit in the space I have to spare. I will read your guide but if you have any additional info for a complete noobie like myself, it'd be much appreciated. Also, would you recommend a different system (since the post about the SH system is a bit dated), from SH or somewhere else? What about that Aeroponics system? Thanks in advance for your time.
i ordered my bubbleponics about 3 days ago, and i havent seen anything with tracking order posted on fedex website, i also got the dual spec 2 lights and the flora nova bloom and grow, final price of all was totaled at 320$, wish i would have gotten on here befor buying to find out everything i needed the right way first time, does anyone know if ill be able to check my ph balance with just the strips??
can i get one of these kits in the UK at all?

They will probably ship it to the UK, why not it's just a Rubbermaid tub, an Air Pump w/stone and a water pump with drippers.

So check it out first, you can do it yourself very cheaply. :bigjoint:
i ordered my bubbleponics about 3 days ago, and i havent seen anything with tracking order posted on fedex website, i also got the dual spec 2 lights and the flora nova bloom and grow, final price of all was totaled at 320$, wish i would have gotten on here befor buying to find out everything i needed the right way first time, does anyone know if ill be able to check my ph balance with just the strips??

well i ordered the same thing and yes the strips will last u for a little while and becareful of the nutes they are not exactly correct on the doseing get u a scale. and the ph up is way off and the lights dont come with a very effective way of useing them go to home depot and get u a hps 70 watt or a 400 watt bulb for 10 bucks
How do i set up my SH with two resiviours Roseman? Your awesome no other way to put it man... im wking to grow like you...thanks for your guidance god has blessed you and me for letting me find you ....i've been reading everything youve posted....joined yesterday and already got my research in motion. Im planning on getting 2 6plant containers and the double resivour. Im using already feminzied seeds in strains P.P.P, Snow White and Medusa. Any advice on these they are a indica/satvia mix and the THC content is nice with 15 - 20%. How should i set up with these key notes in mind. Should i just use the 4 lights 2 for each tank or should i get 6 for even coverage on each tank. I noticed that you had aluminum on the walls of your grow closet. Mine are a sand type color should i line the closet in foil to help with light reflection. Also someone said increasing the amount of lumens to plants would increase the yeild with the SOG effect would this work with my SH system? How do i set my plants up for the SOG with my SH system....I didnt see any chicken wire in your set up. They say its nesscary to use when growing like that to support their tops. How would i set mine up>? THANK YOU THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU !!!!YOU ROCK ROSEMAN!

I Was told aluminum foil is practically useless it is the... mylar? idk some kind of paper that's like uber reflectant uber lux or whatever lol I've got my lights 400 HM's for vegg and 400 eeeerrrrrrr the other one.... just need a hydro unit but i'm not sure... hydro seems the way to go BUT wtf is aero and this ridiculous bubbleponics? this thing is so damn old roseman's links dont even work anymore lol... wtf man... i got a year to save up so that i can have the largest grow area i can afford so that i can yield high enough to live on and smoke on... i was thinking about fooling around with genetics a bit you know get some widow pollinate it with some blueberry pollinate that plant with the un-disturbed widow and then repeat with that plant so that i could find myself smoking blueberry widow haze ^^ i guess it just dont work like that :/
Stelth Hydro. As a former customer and former member of their thread community. I have this to add. Anything they have you can make from parts at Walmart or home depot etc for 1/4 the price even less...If money matters to you.

In my personal experience it takes them over a week after they receive your payment before they even think about shipping your stuff....

So, as long as you don't need your items for a few weeks or more, they are as good as the next.

The bubble ponics has serious issues with root rot and sudden plant death if the feed tube plugs up with slime or plant matter. ..I lost an entire crop of bp to root rot(even after using 35% h2o2 then hygrozyme. The roots just rotted off over a 3 week period. My dirt crop went on to amazing success on the same feeding schedule.

It's your money and time. Spend it as you see fit.
I have been using their products for over a year and they perform well and not only do their grow nutes make for amazing root development and vegetation they keep the PH perfect too