stealth under-bed grow, LST, horizontal, less than 1ft in height!


Active Member
well he from uk like me, and its getting cold allready over here, that'l keep ur bed nice n snugg.
as for the ferts i use a local hydro shop, just check internet there all over.
cool, rep for all who gave advice, much appreciated. as for it being under my bed - im a qualified electrician! so im not going to bodge it! also, if i wanted i could plumb in CO2 which eliminates the fire risk but its not dangerous, fluoro tubes are cool in comparison to incandescent lamps. CO2 would make it grow rapid too! (hmmm... *grin* )

ill post pictures when i have the stuff ready, ill even put up a how-to on the construction up for all to see! the grow journal will be on this thread so stay tuned!

regarding the lighting littlewing, ill get back to you after some lumen/pound R&D at B&Q, most likely tubes because the light distribution will be better, T5 tubes? i am toying with the idea of many tubes of shorter length going width ways, i think it may save electricity and make growth more controllable(and reduce heat).
the lighting times will be based on scrog methods for the (yet to be determined) strain. probably 18/6 till its big enough then 12 / 12 to flower. but it also depends on whether its a strain that grows alot while flowering.


Active Member
just remember if u are going for a plant with sativa genetics then they will grow alot while flowering, usually they will double to triple in size during flowering.
but id say wi 5 foot your good to veg til 12-18 inch, minus pot space.

cant wait for pics of this.


I dunno man. It would be worth a try, but I'd be a monkey's uncle if it worked. Give it a shot, and let us know! PS, don't catch your bed on fire!


Active Member
i think it'l work, just another foorm of LSTing, have you seen the thread on upside down growing, there grown from a hanging basket and grow downward, search for it.
another weird experiment that worked
i think it'l work, just another foorm of LSTing, have you seen the thread on upside down growing, there grown from a hanging basket and grow downward, search for it.
another weird experiment that worked
I saw somethin about that. Like the tomatoe hangers. The one i saw, the guy was havin trouble gettin sunlight to the sprout cause of the huge basket, but it looked like he picked a shitty place for it anyway. I think this experiment has some merit, I've seen some pretty crazy stuff with LST and supercropping and I think this is just another form of them. We will see.


Well-Known Member
wtf this is awesome. do your thing dude just DONT USE TIN FOIL. it seriously creates hotspots and can burn weird parts of your plants. i will be impressed if this can work out for you. have you thought about yield?
i know a cabin bed would give me more room but i really dont have the money! but if i had one i think it would make it easier to find coz its easier to look underneath.
might have figures on lighting later if i go to B&Q, im going to try and get all the crap except the wood, because its too big to get on the bus with!

damnbigbudz - i have no idea what yield to expect, i have 4 ft 3 inch to grow in (not including pot space) so imagine a plant that tall with lots of little cola's for branches. im going for quality over quantity because its for my consumption only. my stoner buddies will have some too, i cant hold out if i have the piff!


Well-Known Member
This idea is tight!!
Can't wait to see what happens.
Great idea, i know somethin like this can be done.
Keep it up!
update: unfortunately i didn't get paid all that much this month so the grow box construction is going posted up here in early november after i get novembers pay slip. unless i manage to scrape together enough cash from selling some stuff from my room clearout. i have, however, got hold of a timer and some ferts from morrisons (of all places!) and will be experimenting with dosage on my indica currently in the loft!

my ferts are miraclegro all purpose soluble plant food, 24-8-16 with trace elements. morrisons aren't really well equipped for weed growers! although i am confused because the instructions say fertilise once every 2 weeks, but im sure i have seen journals which use similar levels more frequently - anyone?

i promise ill put up pictures of the grow box construction asap, which will be while im building it!

stay tuned! or not, you do have free will right?



Active Member
if u have to use miracle grow, use it carefully, but i wud recomend getin on ebay(cheaper) or sumet and getting sum proper nutes, they make all the difference and u risk burning the shit out ur plant with MG, and i know first hand, did it they dont have calcium or magnesium in there, but if u have to use MG then these can be replaced with antacid tablets to get the calcium and epsom salts to get ur magnesium.

i got veg nutes, bloom nutes and a top max with all the micro nutrients in for £20 on ebay, theyll pay for themselves.

sory to here u ant got box together yet, ill be waiting
thanks for the advice littlewing, riu won't let me rep you again tho! yeah i have nute burn on her, the edges of the leaves are getting brown spots. ill have to flush, but its a complete fucker to get in and out of the loft, especially with a bucket of water! i'm now treating this one as a guinea pig for my techniques before i do the coffin!

i will stick with the miracle gro for now and just feed every 2 weeks like it says!! although ill get some good shit when it comes to the real deal, ill ebay the carbon filter while im on it looking for those nutes, i was considering cloning this one for the coffin grow just to see the difference the set up makes and do a yield comparison! taking all bets!

thanks again guys, i'm liking the moral support too! H&M

also here is a picture of her when she was in the garden



New Member
+rep for the fukkin awesome idea!!!hope this turns out well for u sir. also, aluminium foil is ALRITE to use if u use the dull side and its not to crinkely. the shiny side creates hotspots. i garden on a budget myself.

oh and miracle grow has organic bonemeal and blood meal fairly cheap. its like 6.00$ a bag man. and it works well. good luck man!