Ok its been a while.... I have finished and sold the Cab. now, it went to another mate as the one it was intended for had 'arguments' with his Mrs about him having it.. Also my other mate, (the one with a clone from my GWS) has been taking his time and as far as I know he's still flowering her...I should be seeing him later tonight so I'll snap some pics whilst I am there. I still have just over a month to go until I can start my next grow. I have mainly been getting high these past 4 weeks, I started with 2-3 joints a day.. and am now on around 7-10 lol
Baring in mind I still have responsibilities and being a good husband etc... But I am cutting back down and want to occupy my mind with all things 'Next-Grow' related, I should be posting pics later this evening of the GWS Clone and hope to get some idea of what quantity/quality Hash we'll be able to gather. - STELTHY