Hi dude lol, I made a thread a while ago under spirit and sexualityHey Street are you in Aus or the Uk? Stelth whats this about the wanking? I cant stop when i am high. Porn and bongs are not a good mix. Sorry its cider night again for me.
Hey Stelth. Can you explain the air feeding drain pipe? It just looks like it draws air in from up quite high. Arent you having problems keeping the cab cool? If so wouldnt the air up high be warmer than say down near the floor? I may just be misreading the whole thing and i know you are top of the food chain on these things.
Have you turned on the exhaust fan yet while in the cab? The fan looks a little close to the wall and it might suck on to it or something
Will you be adding a carbon filter?
Hey Stelth. Just to let you know that when you suggested i get a CF i did some searching around. I think Phat filters are an Australian company or at least they use australian carbon. I did read that a lot of companies claim to be associated with them, like that they used to be them and such, but they are not. Again you know more than me i just wanted you to be aware i think there are some companies jumping on when they can. Please note i am never trying to think i know more thats for sure.