Stoned Pets

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
Anybody out there get thier pets high? I'm guilty of a few occasions... Once me and my buddy Tom caught a frog, and put it in a waterfall for about 30 seconds. We took it out, and put it on the computer desk, and it just sat there, hoped once then died. We caught a bee too, it got so docile you could hold it on you're finger, and it wouldnt bite/sting you! The thing neaver flew when it came outta the chamber. We also caught this garder snake, made a harrold bong and put it in there, and smoked a few bowls. It was definatley high, you could see it in its eyes. I've only ever gotten a permant pet stoned once. It was Tom's little rat-dog. I dont even know what you would calssify it as. Dog loved it! It ate two bowls of food then went to sleep. The ting also absolotley loved rum-soaked bread. Word of adivce, it's all fun and gsames untill someone or something gets hurt.


Well-Known Member
we had an aquarium with about a dozen salamanders in it. we put a hit of acid on top of one of the salamanders head. he was trippin'. he climbed up onto the tallest rock, stretched out his neck as far as it would go then started to do what appeared to be talking. he just kept opening and closing his mouth. all the other salamanders were huddled up in the opposite corner just watching. this went on for hours. we let them all go a few days later.

my kitty comes to me and meows and licks her lips until i blow a COUPLE hits to her. she especially enjoys the hash.

many of my past neighbors have opened their door to their fluffy kitty that just left my house, only to find a blazed out kitty with a mohawk. we got in trouble more than once.

Stoned Bhudda

Well-Known Member
lol I did one hit of acid and I was trippin' imagine the salamander? Im like 1,000's x heavier than him. We tried to steal a nebour cat one day, and we did, but it escaped from the box, so we firgured it didnt wanna get baked so we left it.


Well-Known Member
this kid, J, killed 2 rats in a week because he smoked them out too much. didnt learn the first time i guess. he cremated the 2nd one.


Well-Known Member
i smoke with my cat he fellows me into my room and sit next to me when i smoke so i think he likes it


New Member
My cat, tiger, loves to smoke and meows untill I give him a hit from the bowl. He will inhale right from my pipe after I take a hit then he sneezes LOL I even carb it for him!


Well-Known Member
thats funny i was think of taking a pic of Chicken (my cat) taking a hit for the contest but my camra sucks.


Well-Known Member
years ago i had to get some evidence gone fast, being corned in the yard, so it went into the cages of my sisters rabbits... they been stoned for all afternoon:-D the funniest part was them trying to get into their sleeping boxes but just hitting the walls or the cage-wires:-D okay my sis was pissed about me doping her bunny's, but okay happens;)


Well-Known Member
many of my past neighbors have opened their door to their fluffy kitty that just left my house, only to find a blazed out kitty with a mohawk. we got in trouble more than once.

I pictured it.

If you dont talk to your cat about catnip, who will?!??:joint:


Active Member
My wife and I blow smoke at our cat if she's hyper and we're trying to chill. Calms her the fuck down.


Active Member
Our dog is permanantly stoned,she takes a mad turn round the house or garden comes in tears into her food bowl then lies down to sleep for an hour or so.
But i must admit cats are way better when stoned, my sister in laws cat used jump up when she was rollin, rubbing itself against my sister in law and sniffing the air, when she gave the cat a hit it climbs the curtains and then dives under the rug turns round a few times and falls asleep under the rug, his name is Marv.hehehhe


Well-Known Member
We had an iguana named 'Shit Head' and we'd blow bong rips into his terrarium every once in a while. He'd lay in his lizard hammock, and them slowly tip over until he fell out. It was hilarious, but other than that he would stare and sleep.


Well-Known Member
We had an iguana named 'Shit Head' and we'd blow bong rips into his terrarium every once in a while. He'd lay in his lizard hammock, and them slowly tip over until he fell out. It was hilarious, but other than that he would stare and sleep.
Hahahahahhahah thats fucking hilarious.


Active Member
My hamster used to eat the fresh leaves I gave him.... he died a few days ago though :( 8 months old.... he was cremated in a shroud of fan leaves.


Well-Known Member
the alligator snapping turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in north america. i just got one a little while ago. its only about 3" right now, but it may grow to be 26". i find it fucking amazing. its a gnarly lookin little fucker, i cant wait till its big and i can get it ripped.


Well-Known Member
the alligator snapping turtle is the largest freshwater turtle in north america. i just got one a little while ago. its only about 3" right now, but it may grow to be 26". i find it fucking amazing. its a gnarly lookin little fucker, i cant wait till its big and i can get it ripped.

dude those things are creatures. i'm a little jealous. bad ass. dare ya to poke his tongue. they do get big and gnarly. if there was a good definition of gnarly it would be the alligator snapping turtle.
