Stoned Pets


Well-Known Member
Wow! I just don't understand how critical hit's panties got into such a bunch over this smoking with animals thread. I mean, haven't scientists already proved that marijuana doesn't have adverse effects on animals such as rats? Whats this guy's problem? Anyway, I tend to feed our pet rabbit any pre-flower prunings and he loves to smoke with us as well. I'll take the rabbit out of his huge cage and just set him on the bed when we smoke at night and he doesn't even come to see us until we start smoking. If the rabbit didn't like the smoke it wouldn't stay around.


Active Member
I once lived in a place in Hawaii, and we had a lot of geckos (they ate the numerous cockroaches there). One night it wandered across the wall and we blew a few hits on it. It stayed in the same spot for 4 days, changed a few colors but was still alive. After 4 days it kinda wandered off, musta been OK but it never came into the TV room again :-)


Well-Known Member
I once lived in a place in Hawaii, and we had a lot of geckos (they ate the numerous cockroaches there). One night it wandered across the wall and we blew a few hits on it. It stayed in the same spot for 4 days, changed a few colors but was still alive. After 4 days it kinda wandered off, musta been OK but it never came into the TV room again :-)

roflmao. poor little guy got wall lock. some stony weed.


Well-Known Member
i would really love to train myself a drug sniffing dog. just think of the fun you could have. in a GOOD, KIND way of course.

"hey man, my dog knows your holding. wanna roll a blender?"


Active Member
Critical Hit is SOOOOOOOOOOOO Wrong! My cat comes running when I open my cabinet where I keep my stuff because she's knows Im going to be smoking. I dont blow it her face but she must at least like the smell.


Well-Known Member
i would really love to train myself a drug sniffing dog. just think of the fun you could have. in a GOOD, KIND way of course.

"hey man, my dog knows your holding. wanna roll a blender?"
It would deffinatly b interesting to c the differnt folks the dog points out....haha!
One band camp.....woot!:joint: :peace:

Critical Hit

Active Member
you guys are a complete waste of morals and life. i can see why you dad wants noting to do with you fucking retards think that this isn't hurting them?fuck you all i hope all your plant turn out males you fucking pieces of shit.


Active Member
My dog LOVES getting baked.
As soon as i light up,he's right next to me putting his
face in front of mine waiting for me to blow smoke in his face.
Also, anytime someone is over at my place and they have any
green on them,he can smell it and will sniff at them and bug them.


Well-Known Member
you guys are a complete waste of morals and life. i can see why you dad wants noting to do with you fucking retards think that this isn't hurting them?fuck you all i hope all your plant turn out males you fucking pieces of shit.

you stand alone my friend. oh, my feelings are hurt. whatever, told you i wasn't a school girl. you need love in your life. try a stony cat.:peace: :joint: :joint:


Well-Known Member
critical, u need to chill out. how the fuck old are u? and it seems to me u havent been smoking very long... ud rather see 'noobs' gets high than goofy animals? folks that get stoned for the first time usually get quiet and stare or they get obnoxious and loud. animals can be interesting sometimes. ill agree that hotboxing animals against their will is cruel, but nobody heres advocating that.

if ur looking for a fight insult skunkushybrid, im sure hed love to put a little shit like u in ur place


Well-Known Member
yeah, what he said. thanks pre. after you attack my family there is not much left anyway.

bu caa.......


Well-Known Member
you guys are a complete waste of morals and life. i can see why you dad wants noting to do with you fucking retards think that this isn't hurting them?fuck you all i hope all your plant turn out males you fucking pieces of shit.
actually boston terrier has glucoma and my VET told me to smoke her a wee bit to give her comfort....she cant eat pot because she is too small....want my vets # asshole! u must have ALOT of issues to attack ppl like u have....lovley u have an opinion....but anyone ever tell u 'if u have nothing nice to say, KEEP UR FUCKIN MOUTH SHUT!' could have found a more graceful way to make urself heard...
Cheers fuk-nut...:peace:


Active Member
actually boston terrier has glucoma and my VET told me to smoke her a wee bit to give her comfort....she cant eat pot because she is too small....want my vets # asshole! u must have ALOT of issues to attack ppl like u have....lovley u have an opinion....but anyone ever tell u 'if u have nothing nice to say, KEEP UR FUCKIN MOUTH SHUT!' could have found a more graceful way to make urself heard...
Cheers fuk-nut...:peace:

yes. My dog has bad arthritis and marijuana has been proven in studies that it can help in dealing with the pain of arthritis. Pot-based medication targets arthritis pain


Well-Known Member
actually boston terrier has glucoma and my VET told me to smoke her a wee bit to give her comfort....she cant eat pot because she is too small....want my vets # asshole! u must have ALOT of issues to attack ppl like u have....lovley u have an opinion....but anyone ever tell u 'if u have nothing nice to say, KEEP UR FUCKIN MOUTH SHUT!' could have found a more graceful way to make urself heard...
Cheers fuk-nut...:peace:

it's all fun and games 'til you piss someone off.

the wolf comes out. you get 'em.

thanks everyone.

you said fuk-nut.


Well-Known Member
thats funny i was think of taking a pic of Chicken (my cat) taking a hit for the contest but my camra sucks.
That rocks! u named ur cat Chicken'!

I once knew a guy who named his dog 'asker'.....ask her.....lmao!:peace:


Well-Known Member
My boyfriend and I, get out cat, Abby stoned all the time and she loves it. She'll sit with us and climb in this box we designated at the "hot box" and she gets in, we close it and we blow our hits into it. She just sits in there and lays on her back, soaking it up, than when we put it down, she'll runn out and just stop in the middle of the room like "what the fuck is this...where am I?".


Active Member
I have 2 dogs and I get them high. They seem to like it, I watch them tho to make sure they are ok. Most animals love to get high and it's cool to get intune with your pet. ;) It's just not good to scare them with it and only give them marijuana b/c it's natural and wont harm them. So plz everyone be NICE to your pets.


Well-Known Member
me and my buddies blew a couple hits into my dog's face. she was so stoned you could see it in her eyes. they were red as hell. she was feeling what we were feeling: munchies, dry mouth, everything. she ate all of our chicken.

as for the cat, my friend steamrolled a hit into his face, it was a thick cloud. he was sort of the paranoid kind of stoned and just sat on my father's bed all night in the dark lol.