Stones Journal

Actually just sampled plant number 3. Smoke is very different. It's the plant that has purple hairs coming out. The high is 50/50, actually really pleasant high. Not too much in the head but also not too much in the body. After taste is defiantly citrus or fruity. The smell when picked is not very strong. The only plant that I haven't sampled is runt and I'm not going to. I will post pictures tomorrow since it will be eight weeks. They sure are looking done....
and all of there were bagseed correct?

Kind of. I bought a bag of dank and my buddy threw in some random seeds he said were from some local grower. He didnt tell me until like 2 weeks later that he did that. I was just assuming that they came from the bag I bought. So they are prob some hybrid that he created. Anyways he gave me 14 more seeds like a couple weeks ago so if they turn out alright I at least can grow a mother out of one of those seeds.
Let me know what you guys think... Im ready for these bitches to come down.


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I would say 45-50%. All the sugar leaves are 50%+ but the trichomes on the inner caylx are still hanging around 40% amber. The rest of the caylx are cloudy, turning slightly tinted. Keep in mind guys I do have my 3000K filter on my camera for those shots.... So yeah the pictures are way less orange than in real life. I will take a couple of pictures at lunch today without my filter on.
I would say 45-50%. All the sugar leaves are 50%+ but the trichomes on the inner caylx are still hanging around 40% amber. The rest of the caylx are cloudy, turning slightly tinted. Keep in mind guys I do have my 3000K filter on my camera for those shots.... So yeah the pictures are way less orange than in real life. I will take a couple of pictures at lunch today without my filter on.

Bravo, Stone. I'd say maybe for maximum dankness, give 'em another say, 4-7 days. That's just my opinion. They're pretty much ready, though!!! Can't wait to see what your yield is. What an awesome grow and just 8 weeks in. Multiple thumbs up, Man!
Thanks silents, positive feedback like yours is really lacking on this board for sure. We need more people like you on rollitup. Nothing but a bunch of old crabby guys on here stuck in their
No problem, Stone. I just love the wonderful world of growing and everything I see and especially with good techniques and outcomes really make my mouth water. Your girls look fuckin' great. Gotta give 'em praise. But yeah, I hear you there. Bunch of dudes are dicks on here and don't wanna listen or just wanna critique half the time. I percieve the site as a real learning experience and place for stoners to unite and share their ways of growing with each other!
hey mate i just got posted this link from someone who recommends your journal for lovers of 12/12 from seed. I am certainly a lover of this method, but not yet a practitioner of it. Well, I have started a grow of 12/12, pics here

I have a super lemon haze bean, will be starting that in the next couple of days too, that's gonna be 12/12 too. Hope you don;t mind a couple of questions...

Yours took what 8 weeks from start to finish? What size pots did you use, and did you try to stretch the plants at all, or just grow them as you would a normal grow?

Oh and one last thing, what was your final yield? You don;t have to kiss and tell, but everyone loves a show-off xD
Well, I havet harvested yet. But more than likely be this weekend. I am using 2 gallon square pots. it was eight weeks of flower and 10 weeks total from seed to now. I will definatly let you know what the yield will be and be checking out your grow as well. I am going to write down and exact grow journal in a pdf so everyone can replicate this as close as possible. Dont know if it will help but its for me as well, I definatly want to write everything down so I dont forget anything!!. With what kind of yield im going to get, I definatly want to replicate this as much as possible....uhhh tough typing right now, smoked sample #3 and..fucked up!!! lol. Thanks for stoppin by!!
Like I said here are some more pictures WITHOUT the 3000k filter. Big difference now huh???


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Well, I havet harvested yet. But more than likely be this weekend. I am using 2 gallon square pots. it was eight weeks of flower and 10 weeks total from seed to now. I will definatly let you know what the yield will be and be checking out your grow as well. I am going to write down and exact grow journal in a pdf so everyone can replicate this as close as possible. Dont know if it will help but its for me as well, I definatly want to write everything down so I dont forget anything!!. With what kind of yield im going to get, I definatly want to replicate this as much as possible....uhhh tough typing right now, smoked sample #3 and..fucked up!!! lol. Thanks for stoppin by!!

Ok well writing stuff down is a great idea, my first ever grow went great cos i had instructions from the grow shop... then I forgot everything by the time i got started on the second lot... failed 2 crops through overwatering... many seeds died.

Yeh ok so 10 weeks in total, but it was all 12/12 from seed yeh? fuck sorry if that's a stupid question, it's quite clear it is 12/12 from seed :P
Holy shit, Stone! I can see a difference, but either way, they look fuckin' amazing! I didn't complain from the beginning. Shit man, I'm so stoked for the harvest of these plants, I feel like they're my own!! Haha. I stop by this journal more than any other forum, Dude. Such a fucking awesome grow.