wheres the pics of plants then stone, anything on the go?
Haha, yeah but you worked it out though riddleme. You might be one of the only ones on here that actually helps. I was talking about all the other old cranky guys on here...lol
I'm young, not set in my ways, and very open minded. I'm new to the grow scene. I just germed and planted (in soil). waiting for the sprouts to come threw. You have been an inspiration to me Stone ! I'm gonna grow 12/12 from seed (bag seed) My brother - in - law gave me a baby food jar full of seeds ...... well over 2-3 hundred, I germed 15, not all 15 sprouted, but I planted all 15 anyways. I know i will get some males and some that won't even sprout... but looking forward to having at least 4-8 good plants... nothing like yours on the first try (I don't know.. might get lucky) ... just so damn tired of paying high ass prices for schwagg and ditch weed.... if its gonna be harsh .. hell i might as well grow it myself... and hope for the best. Seriously tho, you have (and everyone else here on the boards) have given some really good advice, I can't find to many CFLers here ... everyone is HPS or MH. Keep up the good work!!! (I'm tward the last of your grow journal... looking forward to finishing it and seeing the final result) I will be starting a grow journal as soon as my sprouts come threw, and i get my lights hung (still have to buy them) ... any suggestions... I'm hitting up Lowes or home depot. tonight.
Depends on how much room you have to grow in, Try to find the biggest wattage CFL's you can at lowes in the 5000K spectrum for vegging and 2700K for flowering. They usually have a good assortment of lights there at lowes. Ask away if you have any questions, I will try my best to help you out. Thanks for dropping by my journal!!
Try to get the most actual wattage you can in the cfl light bulbs. Dont pay too much attention to the equivelant as that isnt relavant in the growing world. Actual watts is what we are after. Sometimes its tricky to find the actual wattage of the bulbs but most of the time its right on the bulb itself by the base. (I have had to open up packages to look at find out) The more watts the more buds you will grow. 2700K is the spectrum of light given off of the bulb, usually 2700K replicates the fall or warm white colors, more towards the red spectrum of light stimulting fall type sunlight and flowering in plants in general, where as 5000K spectrum is more blue white, like how the sun looks during the spring and summer months stimulting more vegitative growth in plants. Hey there isnt any question that will get on my nerves so ask as many as you like. Im that type of person where my knowledge is your knowledge. I do really appreciate the comments man, it means alot!!
Ok, I noticed you have some 5000K bulbs in your box along with some 2700K, Should I mix and match? or just have a couple of 5000K and mostly 2700K? I have enough room to fit as many lights into my box as i want. I'm thinking about ordering some hoods ( http://www.amazon.com/Brite-Wing-Wa...CUOS/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1289421733&sr=8-3 ) or just making my own like this: ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rs_QRorECvo ) I can but the hoods (with shipping) for about the same price as making one. I think I'm gonna make one tho, I can custom fit it to my box and stick 2 sockets on it instead of one.... hell maybe even get a splitter and have 4 bulbs on each side of the sockets. I've been a bit busy / lazy / my wife and kid take a lot of my attention .... so I am slowly putting this box together as my sprouts ( I got 3 to pop up last night !!!) grow with two CFL's for right now. I just hung the power strip from the top got 2 CFL bulbs (100 watt equiv.... 23 Watt 2700K) and 2 socket adapters and plugged them in. It's in its Gheto stage right now.. I will eventually have the money and time to make it one bad ass box tho. Pics are on the way.... my camera works when it wants to... so... I will probably (since it's payday) go to lowes today and get the materals to make the hoods and a few more bulbs. My goal is to have 2-4 5000K 42 Watt CFL's and about 4-8 42 Watt 2700K bulbs. I'm just thinking.. does this sound like a decent idea... should i have more 2700K lights to coax the flowering... oh.. and I saw this stuff at lowes called Big Bloom ... its for flowering, its fairly inexpensive (i can't find it online) but i figured i could pick some of that up ... unless there is something at lowes or home depot I can look for that you or anyone here knows will work well. Thanks for your help and guidance ! My sprouts are taking off.. it's crazy.... I saw them just under the dirt .. came back an hour later, and it had sprouted along with the other two... outta nowhere ! these things grow so freaking fast. Oh... and I feel I might have a ventalation issue and heat issue on the horizon... what do you suggest for inexpensive venting and maybe ordor control... I have a feeling my closet is going to get quite stinky.
Thanks !!!!
You should make a journal so you can document all your steps you are taking for your grow. I dont mind answering you here but a journal would be better. I dont know if it makes a difference putting a 5000k into the mix of things but what the heck right? my ratio of bulbs are 9 to 1 2700k to 5000k. I just put one 5000k bulb in to make the spectrum of light more natural to the plants. Must be working because I easily yeild an ounce to once in a half per plant in roughly 72 days total.. which isnt too shabby.
Thanks man !!! Starting journal soon!