Stoneslacker's new 250w micro hempy scrog Blueberry, Blackjack and Permafrost


Well-Known Member
Had a great weekend. Took a spur of the moment fishing trip up to the Little Manistee to night time streamer fish for browns. Didnt net any but hooked a couple. Then we launched on the Muskegeon and caught a mob of planter rainbows. Love to show some pics but my camera is now at the bottom of the Muske.:dunce: Oh well was a cheapie anyway. Grilled up some fresh rainbows and corn on the cob, don't get any better than that!

Oh damn, good luck getting rid of the smell mate, my experiences with any strain skunk related is to give all your neighbours pegs to put on their noses cos that shit STINKS to high heaven! Hope you can manage it man cos it sounds like a real killer strain!!
It's gonna be a challeng Mo. I might have to try some ona gel for the first time. She is worth it though.

I just read from your grow from the beginning and i must say you have a pretty awesome set up and technique man, i love the versatility of string set up that you have for the scrog screen i also like the way you have them secured to the hempy buckets, i attempted a similar design with my scrog crates so i could rotate them under the light but they are so damn heavy and bulky, its a bit annoying because if i need to flush i have a very limited amount of space to collect drainage because i cant remove them or the drain pans from the crates after they get so big, i would like to find the perfect system for independent scrog crates but i don't even know where to start, I've seen lots of ideas but i still cant see how to get them perfect. I enjoyed reading threw your grow a lot man it gave me quite a bit of insight as to the way scrog should be done and what it should look like, your crop looks beautiful, amazing results for the 250 watter that you are working with!

P.S. I would rep if i could but i cant...
You have your grow going in the right direction now psilo. Thanks for stopping by. A nice screen DIY option is to make the frame out of small diameter pvc pipe. You could attach them to your buckets too. Just a thought.

Looks good bro. I've been tokin on some of my critical super silver haze. Great smoke. Lightly relaxes your body and very clear head high. Perfect for daytime as well. I find it increases my concentration quite a bit.
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Damn SS that looks dank as hell. Is that the delicious seeds version? It looks really good, how long was the flower time?

How long do you veg on average SS?
It really depends odin. I use clones and have been pretty lucky to have even growth. I usually shoot for 60-75% coverage of the screen before I flip. Usually amounts to 20-30 days with smaller sized clones. Before I flip I make sure every top is flattened out and the canopy is fairly even. I don't worry about letting em get above the screen till after the 1st week of stretch. Topping is always the best option for scrogging in my opinion and creates nice branching to fill the screen in.
Ask away if you want, there is a bunch of great growers stopping in here who can chime in too.

Another bonus gift this weekend is my buddy gifted me some of his freebies. He is set on the strains he is running so he wasnt ever gonna grow them. I don't recognize many of the strains but I'll check the descriptions later after I feed. Got Delicious seeds Black Russian, Dinafem Blue Hash, World of Seeds Mazar x GWS and NL x Skunk.

I have a question about seeds. How long are they good for in storage? Summer growing is a kick in the balls for me so I really don't want to pop them for my next grow. I was going to try and wait till September or so. Will they be allright if I store them in a cool dark place till then?

Well got some thirsty girls to take care of. Ill throw up some teaser pics and then a full update in a couple days. Peace


Active Member
Delicious seeds is correct. I pulled her a few days shy of 9 weeks. Ran her 12/12 from seed, wish I woulda vegged cuz she's going quick. Its all my wife wants atm. I'll def grow again. Smells mouth watering yet I can't quite describe it. Taste is sweet yet slightly musky. Nothing I dont like about it and I'm more of an indica fan myself.


Well-Known Member
Delicious seeds is correct. I pulled her a few days shy of 9 weeks. Ran her 12/12 from seed, wish I woulda vegged cuz she's going quick. Its all my wife wants atm. I'll def grow again. Smells mouth watering yet I can't quite describe it. Taste is sweet yet slightly musky. Nothing I dont like about it and I'm more of an indica fan myself.
It sounds awesome. Gotta keep the wife happy bro, get to growing!
Edit: BTW seen the slab gill you posted on the WoH thread. Nice one. Did a bit of trout fishing myself this weekend.


Active Member
I was supposed to go to Oscoda last weekend steelhead fishing but got calls saying river was to blown out to fish. We're going up camping this summer though. Won't catch steelies but we'll catch something! Lol


Well-Known Member
Looking great man, as far as the seeds go I'm pretty sure they have a pretty long viable life span, about 5 years or so i think of course it all depends on the conditions under which they are stored.


Well-Known Member
Damn those plants look wicked man, really even canopy too :D

As for the seeds mate, if you store them in paper seed envelopes and put them in a dark container surrounded by rice in the fridge, they'll last 3-6 years that way before they start to deteriorate in germ rate. Ive grown seeds that were near on 10 years old and they still grew amazing buds. Took a little while to pop up but she was still viable.


Well-Known Member
I`m seeing some donkey-dicks in there SS !!! And the good kind not like the hangy droopy farm animal variety ;). The Muskegeon I`m aware of, it`s actually almost directly parallel to me in Ontario brother. Glad to hear you had a good weekend, the ladies are looking great man, gettin pumped for you. I got a wicked nice sunburn myself this weekend, haha. Easy buddy,

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
I was supposed to go to Oscoda last weekend steelhead fishing but got calls saying river was to blown out to fish. We're going up camping this summer though. Won't catch steelies but we'll catch something! Lol
You talking camping in Oscoda? You stay at Old Orchard? I know some really nice campsites up Oscoda way, some nice private ones down off Bissonnette right on Foote Dam Pond. Great perch and gill fishing there.

Looking great man, as far as the seeds go I'm pretty sure they have a pretty long viable life span, about 5 years or so i think of course it all depends on the conditions under which they are stored.
Thanks psilo. They are about a year old so I should be good then.

Damn those plants look wicked man, really even canopy too :D

As for the seeds mate, if you store them in paper seed envelopes and put them in a dark container surrounded by rice in the fridge, they'll last 3-6 years that way before they start to deteriorate in germ rate. Ive grown seeds that were near on 10 years old and they still grew amazing buds. Took a little while to pop up but she was still viable.
Sweet Mo. The blue cheese is really starting to swell finally and she is catching up to the other 2 a bit. It is getting really loud in there though so I'm heading out to stock up on some air fresheners.

I`m seeing some donkey-dicks in there SS !!! And the good kind not like the hangy droopy farm animal variety ;). The Muskegeon I`m aware of, it`s actually almost directly parallel to me in Ontario brother. Glad to hear you had a good weekend, the ladies are looking great man, gettin pumped for you. I got a wicked nice sunburn myself this weekend, haha. Easy buddy,

KC :weed:
Think rhino horns bro! My grow cab is a dick free zone! LOL. Haven't had a herman yet, these clones are pretty stable genetics.

A sunburn is a small price to pay to enjoy some great weather outdoors mate. My weekend siesta has me recharged and looking forward to summer.(Until I check the thermo in my cab and it reads 90! :fire:) Still love the summer, gotta get out and get some sun. The glow from my computer monitor makes Johnny a pale boy.


Well-Known Member
Think rhino horns bro! My grow cab is a dick free zone! LOL. Haven't had a herman yet, these clones are pretty stable genetics.

A sunburn is a small price to pay to enjoy some great weather outdoors mate. My weekend siesta has me recharged and looking forward to summer.(Until I check the thermo in my cab and it reads 90! :fire:) Still love the summer, gotta get out and get some sun. The glow from my computer monitor makes Johnny a pale boy.
Haha, fair enough, rhino horns it is. And as far as the sunburns go, I`m pretty Irish so I change colors with the seasons, white-red, haha. No ill-effects on your girls from a 90F cab though brother, impressed I am :)

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
Unbelievable for 37 man! Makin Nirvana look GOOOOOOD! That 1" stalk is doin its job for sure!
Hey man missed you around here! They are workin you like a dog mate. All 3 are staying pretty even now but the Blackjack is definitely the leader. Cant wait till she really gets some swell and starts showing off her color!


Well-Known Member
OMG, becky look at her buds...there just so, BIG!
Looking awesome man!
Thanks man! They are a bit sensitive to the P/K slamming I gave them but overall they responded pretty well. I backed off the nute strength a bit last night, then next feeding I'll go back to full strength before I flush around day 44 or so.

Dug up some pics from my first grow of the blackjack day 56. Hoping this girl swells up the same!


Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Hey man missed you around here! They are workin you like a dog mate. All 3 are staying pretty even now but the Blackjack is definitely the leader. Cant wait till she really gets some swell and starts showing off her color!
Like a DOG man! You know how it is though...hurry hurry hurry and now me and my team have to wait a week for the concrete guys to get off their asses and pour so I can do top out....ugh;) All three do look real even but thats the Scrog skill I guess:) I always like to look at the stalks so I appreciate you throwin those pics up! You can tell (A bit at least) that the future should hold some nice Nugs for ya... I have had some beautiful looking plants that just sort of fizzled out at the end and came up short just beacause I wasnt concentrating enough on what was going on BELOW ground (Dont get me wrong quality has been good for years but QUANITY has been lacking when I neglect my root system even just a tad)... looks to me like you have got that angle more than covered!


Active Member
Been staying at Old Orchard since I was little. Might have to look into the other campsite though, it can get pretty crowded in the summer. My grandparents have always lived there and my grandma still lives in town. I spent every summer with them growing up, and was planning on moving there when I graduated. Then life happened and 12 years later I'm still downstate. Lol. Do you happen to remember the name of the campgrounds you mentioned?


Well-Known Member
Like a DOG man! You know how it is though...hurry hurry hurry and now me and my team have to wait a week for the concrete guys to get off their asses and pour so I can do top out....ugh;) All three do look real even but thats the Scrog skill I guess:) I always like to look at the stalks so I appreciate you throwin those pics up! You can tell (A bit at least) that the future should hold some nice Nugs for ya... I have had some beautiful looking plants that just sort of fizzled out at the end and came up short just beacause I wasnt concentrating enough on what was going on BELOW ground (Dont get me wrong quality has been good for years but QUANITY has been lacking when I neglect my root system even just a tad)... looks to me like you have got that angle more than covered!
Man I know all about hurrying up to wait. Laid off for the next 2 weeks while the engineers finish plans for our next fiber build. Not minding too much, getting some much needed stuff done around here.
The roots and stems are vital to a good grow for sure. I think topping them early and short this round really made for a nice hub. Almost like a mainline manifold. As bushy as your mastadon is she is gonna have a trunk for sure.

Been staying at Old Orchard since I was little. Might have to look into the other campsite though, it can get pretty crowded in the summer. My grandparents have always lived there and my grandma still lives in town. I spent every summer with them growing up, and was planning on moving there when I graduated. Then life happened and 12 years later I'm still downstate. Lol. Do you happen to remember the name of the campgrounds you mentioned?
The one I was talking about is Foote Site Campground. No power at this place if that is a priority, but as beautiful and rustic as you can get. Some of the viewscapes looking down the ponds basin are breathtaking. I'll see if I can dig up the exact coords for you.

Oh so yummy. At this stage of the flower period how often are you feeding your girls?
Thanks sky. I feed every time I water, bout every 3 days right now. Slowly moving to every 2 days as they are bulking up. I then flush after every 14-21 days with clearex and let them dry out for 4-5 days before I feed again. My feelings with hempy is watering too often is a bad thing. Those roots need oxygen and letting the buckets dry out completely really works well for me.

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Man I know all about hurrying up to wait. Laid off for the next 2 weeks while the engineers finish plans for our next fiber build. Not minding too much, getting some much needed stuff done around here.
The roots and stems are vital to a good grow for sure. I think topping them early and short this round really made for a nice hub. Almost like a mainline manifold. As bushy as your mastadon is she is gonna have a trunk for sure.
Not nearly as much as your black jack, but still a ways to go yet...;)

Ive been thinking bout which route to go for keeping my MOMs in a low maintenance medium (Got a good pick and mix order comin in soon) and cause of this thread I am really leaning the hempy direction, maybe something like Verm or Coir mixed into the perlite to make watering even less frequent? Hmmm dunno so many options:) I have seen people have serious pH problems using Hempy and then there are the guys who just make it look easy! I Dont know, all Im sure is I need something super stable and I want trunks like those! (Green with envy);)


Well-Known Member
Not nearly as much as your black jack, but still a ways to go yet...;)

Ive been thinking bout which route to go for keeping my MOMs in a low maintenance medium (Got a good pick and mix order comin in soon) and cause of this thread I am really leaning the hempy direction, maybe something like Verm or Coir mixed into the perlite to make watering even less frequent? Hmmm dunno so many options:) I have seen people have serious pH problems using Hempy and then there are the guys who just make it look easy! I Dont know, all Im sure is I need something super stable and I want trunks like those! (Green with envy);)
She's fattening up for sure man. I hear mixed things about hempy moms. The guy I get clones from keeps his moms in dirt, says its easier to keep things consistent for a long haul grow like keeping a mother. But then you are talking large pots to keep the roots happy. He gets by with a 3 gallon pot by bonzai trimming the moms. Keeps them short and massively spread out. Helps keep a nice number of branches for clones too.

I hear really good things about using mapito for moms though. It appears to me that mapito is rockwool pieces mixed with polyfill. Not certain if it is made up of that but sounds like it would be a great hempy medium.