Straight forward old seed starting solution….

So yeah, my bad. Its only sterile while still protected inside the trees. Once introduced into the environment though, then it immediately picks up microbes from the air and the collection equipment, etc. Which is exactly why you should at least use a still air box when using seed rescue kits and opening the test tubes.

Even if you boil the collected sap to kill anything off soon, the quality of the syrup will still be altered from the inevitable microbial activity (good or bad) to some extent, no matter how its obtained. Is that right?

I'm sure it has to be possible to do a direct plant to plant sugar transfusion though, without introducing the raw unfiltered & processed sap to the environment in anyway. Like, you could do it between 2 tissue culture plants growing in a sterile container, by performing a very sterile & precise in vitro operation in front of a laminar fan filter unit. Maybe then you could somehow alter a cannabis plants taste or fragrance by injecting the other live plants sugars into it. I dunno, but I'll keep dreaming that its possible anyway.
The drill bit and tap are not clean.

We take sap and run it through a ro filter then boil it to make syrup. The sap can go bad basically at any part of that process. You also need freeze thaw cycles to have any decent amount of sugar in it. An example can be carrots or grapes. After a frost those get sweeter because sugar is the plants natural antifreeze.

The injecting sugar is something I thought about a while back and tried some different things and nothing changed.
I have a small film container (remember those?) filled with seeds from the early 90's....basically street schwag weed....most of it was poorly-grown/dried shit, but who knows what the seeds might be from...? Could be something in there. I tried to germinate several of them at a time using just the traditional paper towel method....0% germinated. They were never stored well and I assume they are dead....but I may just do an experiment over the next few years and see if I can use any of these tricks to help them along. *shrugs*
What about cannabis syrup? Grow out a bunch of huge trees, just so you can drain them of all the sap they're worth. Hookup the tap lines into a vacuum pump, and suck them dry, lol. Just so you can boil it down into a sugary syrup. You know.. for embryonic seed rescue purposes...and pancakes. :eyesmoke:

What you’d want is a Brix Refractometer to measure the sugar content for this. There is something to high-Brix growing, and you can actually taste the sweetness in healthy plant sap.
I just got 100 % germination on 21 year old seeds. Root riot plugs etc...sounds like your trying to kill them to me. I used spring water and paper towels. Never failed me yet. I did use gentle warm heat. Keep it simple. The problem is your seed wasn't stored well. There are some new techniques out there to get them to sprout. Not sure but I think AK Bean Brains was talking about it on a Breeders Syndicate Episode.
Yes sir, i too get near 100% germination rates with root riot plugs and a heat mat. But i have older seeds that were stored at room temperature. The plugs and mat are not cutting it for these. I agree, i should have stored the seeds better…
It’s doubtful that anyone has any better experiments, with the federally illegal status of cannabis in most countries prohibiting studies outside of special industries. This study is neat in that they are trying to standardize a process for popping cannabis seeds. This study used 6 month old seeds, which really isn’t a great comparison for what you’re trying to do. You can pretty much spit on 6 month old seeds and they’ll usually germinate. They also germinated their seeds at room temperature, which isn’t generally recommended in the cannabis community.

It’s AN experiment, and all data is useful, but this isn’t necessarily good data or applicable to what you’re trying to do, because the experiment was designed in such a way that there was a low threshold of failure and high chance for success to prove their concept. I think they need to test several more variables (seeds stored under different conditions, much older seeds, several different strains, and different germination methods) and then repeat the experiment a few times. The scientific method suggests that this is a good start, but far from a complete study.
It’s doubtful that anyone has any better experiments, with the federally illegal status of cannabis in most countries prohibiting studies outside of special industries. This study is neat in that they are trying to standardize a process for popping cannabis seeds. This study used 6 month old seeds, which really isn’t a great comparison for what you’re trying to do. You can pretty much spit on 6 month old seeds and they’ll usually germinate. They also germinated their seeds at room temperature, which isn’t generally recommended in the cannabis community.

It’s AN experiment, and all data is useful, but this isn’t necessarily good data or applicable to what you’re trying to do, because the experiment was designed in such a way that there was a low threshold of failure and high chance for success to prove their concept. I think they need to test several more variables (seeds stored under different conditions, much older seeds, several different strains, and different germination methods) and then repeat the experiment a few times. The scientific method suggests that this is a good start, but far from a complete study.
Agree with everything your saying. But i will point out that at the bottom of the article in the results column, it goes on to say they did the same test on 5 year old seeds with controls. The results were similar to the new seed run
Ime heat matts are too hot to use with something as small as root riot, rock wool cube.

I need 3 layers of aluminium coated bubble wrap in a 12w propagator to insulate the bottom from heat and maintain 24c⁰ ±

With my heat matt I use a controller with the probe in/under the pots it's only heating for less than half the time to maintain 24c⁰ in the medium.
Agree with everything your saying. But i will point out that at the bottom of the article in the results column, it goes on to say they did the same test on 5 year old seeds with controls. The results were similar to the new seed run

Fair enough. I stopped reading about 3/4 the way through, after the results pics and charts from the first run. The worm castings method has been described on other forums and breeder round tables and discussions on YouTube. For as low tech and easy as it is, I’d start there. I’ve been pretty successful popping seeds that are 5+ years old without any special care or methods.

Even though I can be a lazy reader, I still think the study is just a first step to figuring out a better process, but it’s definitely promising and moving in the right direction.
I use bioag fulpower in plain water to soak. Gonna want to sand them or crack them with your teeth if they don't pop.
This is what Im referring to. Anyone have experience with this or similar? Its a research article from the NIH national library of medicine. Its called development of standardization of seed germination protocol for cannabis sativa. Here is the link.
Looks like they see better germination from the seeds in 1% hydrogen peroxide, but death from the peroxide was pretty likely. Less so if rinsed and transferred to soil than their ms medium... whatever laboratory tool that is. Above my pay grade for sure


Beyond carrying the plant embryo, seeds harbour intricate microbial communities whose transmission across successive plant generations can significantly influence the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of plant–microbe symbioses. The process of plant domestication has potential repercussions in genes involved in plant-microbiome interactions. However, the extent to which breeding can impact the seed microbiome is sparsely explored. Cannabis is a high-value crop but sparsely subjected to agricultural innovations established in other crop species during the last century. Here, we conduct a large-scale analysis of the bacterial seed microbiome of Cannabis across different domestication grades and investigate the potential of seed-associated endophytes as plant growth-promoting agents under both controlled and field conditions.


Analysis of Cannabis seed endophyte composition and diversity across 46 plant genotypes revealed 813 different bacterial genera with a predominance of Gammaproteobacteria, Bacilli, Actinobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria but a genotype-specific microbiome. The assessment of domestication and breeding on microbial assembly revealed a higher bacterial diversity in low domestication genotypes (Shannon index, H′: 1.21 vs. 1.05) and a higher homogeneity in bacterial composition caused by line development. Further, a seed bacterial isolate (Bacillus frigoritolerans C1141) associated with low domestication genotypes, and with genes associated with bio-fertilization, bioremediation and phytohormone production, increased plant growth by 42.3% at the time of harvest, under field conditions.


This study addresses critical knowledge gaps related to the assembly of the Cannabis seed-endophytic microbiome. It reveals that Cannabis breeding is linked to alterations of seed microbial communities, which potentially led to the loss of bacteria with functional significance. These results highlight the importance of preserving seed microbiomes in plant breeding to support sustainable plant health and growth enhancement in Cannabis.
That is what i found too. If i order the kit ($70) I’ll try to take some pics and do a write up. It would be great if the kit works well. Price isn’t prohibitively expensive.
Sadly, no luck with my old seeds. Still waiting…. But in the meantime, I ordered a pack of pbb f3 from thugpug. Got them, started 4 my usual paper towel method and all 4 popped in 24 hours and are in pro mix now. So it Seems its my shity seed storage thats the problem.