Strain Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, I want to get started growing and want to know if you have any suggestions on what strain I should get.

I really want a strain with low odor and if possible, small height (as in more bushy than tall). I need to be able to conceal it easily.

The yield doesn't really matter as long as it's enough for one smoker and an occasional buddy. I am greatly considering ordering from WWMS, so if you guys could recommend a strain that they have in stock, it would be awesome.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Just checked and they seem pretty OK...anyone know a really cheap vendor that sells them?


Active Member
Citral, afghan, top 44, aurora indica,hindu kush, papaya, blue mtstic, and bubbleicious are all rather short bushy plants that will do good for you. I recomend afghan, its very good weed and easy to grow for newbies. But let me ask you this, where do you plan on growing, is this your very first plant, AND........ are you tryin to hide it from your parents, room mates, or girl frind??? If so let me know, I have had the exact same problem and have learned ways to work around it after being caught twice.


Well-Known Member
Oh man...Almost the exact same situation, TBOY.

I'm living with another family in the same house in a sort of 'basement'. I am going to sprout a seed and give it to a 'masterstoner', a friend of mine, who will raise the baby until it gives us its fruit.

Masterstoner said he would raise it in a shed with violet grow lights. I don't know if he still will because he recently moved from a mobile home to a 5br suburban home.

So to answer your question, I plan on either growing in a garage corner, it will be my first, and I will try to hide it from parents, an uncle, aunts, and the fuzz. It will be tough, but I have a plan B should this fail.


Active Member
Oh man...Almost the exact same situation, TBOY.

I'm living with another family in the same house in a sort of 'basement'. I am going to sprout a seed and give it to a 'masterstoner', a friend of mine, who will raise the baby until it gives us its fruit.

Masterstoner said he would raise it in a shed with violet grow lights. I don't know if he still will because he recently moved from a mobile home to a 5br suburban home.

So to answer your question, I plan on either growing in a garage corner, it will be my first, and I will try to hide it from parents, an uncle, aunts, and the fuzz. It will be tough, but I have a plan B should this fail.
whoa whoa whoa man, if you are living with a family of people the i dont recomend growing inside. Period. Because it will be found garunteed. And it will stink up the whole house with weed smell dude. I was in the same situation and i did it anyway after being old not to by fellow pot head growers. And i was caught. But now i grow outside 3 miles away from my house and used to grow in my attic. If you have access to use that. But we can talk again later in private messages to come up with the best game plan for you.