Strange leaves dots and deformation


New Member
I have 2 auto northern lights growing, one is about 26 days old and the other is 18 days old. The oldest one has these leaves problems since the First pair of true leaves. The Younger plant started to show these problems Just a few days ago.
Even that both plants has the same problems, they look healthy and growing (not so fast but still growing).
Im growing in soil media, it's a organic soil i bought from internet, ph 6.6 and ppm around 700
2 LEDs, 300w each
Temp is around 25-28 celsius, humidity 60
Im watering with well water,ph around 7 and ppm 80
Can It be some kind of nute deficiency? Or nut burn? Ph loockout? Well, It can be so many things... Please, help me!



Well-Known Member
Hey @Sovnhgard -- hard for me to say from your photos. Could be more than one issue at the same time. Could be a deficiency as you say. What size container are you using? Have you up-potted in 26-days?? What was in that soil you bought??? When you started was your plan adding nutrients at some point or just adding water the entire grow????

I'd tackle the simple things first and the stuff you control

If you want take a look at this guide over on Grow Weed Easy:

They call it The Plant Doctor.

Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
looks like it might be mag so feed it some epsom salt and get some microbes. Maybe lower the ppm to 500 . I dont remember but are auto's lite feeders idk.

but you cant go wrong feeding it your water and 200 ppms of mag for a couple of feedings and use microbes (just a little) once a week. Then do the mag feeding once every couple of weeks to maintain the level it wants - if it helps the future growth


New Member
Hey @Sovnhgard -- hard for me to say from your photos. Could be more than one issue at the same time. Could be a deficiency as you say. What size container are you using? Have you up-potted in 26-days?? What was in that soil you bought??? When you started was your plan adding nutrients at some point or just adding water the entire grow????

I'd tackle the simple things first and the stuff you control

If you want take a look at this guide over on Grow Weed Easy:

They call it The Plant Doctor.

Good luck!!
I'm using a 10L fabric pot and a 7l plastic pot for the youngest one
Here's the information about the soul i bought:

"NPK: N 0.41% / P 0.31% / K 0.36% Ph: 6.6 Humidity: 52% Ready to use, odor free, pest free and Ph ready. 100% organic and bioavailable compounds in appropriate proportions to meet all the needs of various types of plants and their various stages of development. Appropriate mixtures of plant substrates, mobs, fibers, fermented manure, humic substances, vitamins, amino acids, mycorrhizae, carbon, expanded perlite and vermiculite. They have ideal water retention, do not soak or form aggregates."

im not used to check ph or ppm from the runoffs, but yesterday i checked it and the ppm were about 4000, ph 7.0. I know 4000 is very much for any stage of the plant, so i get really scared. Then i check the youngest plant runoff, the ppm were about 900, using the same soil. Since the seeds i've been only using water, no nutes. Only a few sprays of water with calmag at the leaves. it doesnt look like nutrient burn...

I will check the link, thanks!