Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

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I would suggest that having random case assignment and expanding the number of supreme court justices so it's balanced would cause much restraint, that you wouldn't need the never ending guards to guard the guards.... It is the one institution you have that is somewhat befuddling; with no term limits and how easily it was manipulated with how important it is.
I would suggest that having random case assignment and expanding the number of supreme court justices so it's balanced would cause much restraint, that you wouldn't need the never ending guards to guard the guards.... It is the one institution you have that is somewhat befuddling; with no term limits and how easily it was manipulated with how important it is.
That would stop the trump puppets from running rough shod over Americans civil rights, but i don't see how it would stop the influence peddling, the outright bribery.
And what's to stop the republicans from expanding the court the next time they have a majority...if they ever have a majority again....but it becomes a never ending expansion until everyone in the fucking country has to take a turn.
A well monitored force of "Watchmen" might be just the thing. They would mostly be accountants, civil, criminal, and tax lawyers, archivist, with some trained investigators. They would have regional offices, and be funded by direct grants, so the house can't threaten to defund them.
They would audit random judge's and official's taxes and financial records, and look for any obvious proof of impropriety, which would then be reported to the DOJ. They would operate at all levels, from local city level governments to the senate, the pentagon, the white house....
That would stop the trump puppets from running rough shod over Americans civil rights, but i don't see how it would stop the influence peddling, the outright bribery.
And what's to stop the republicans from expanding the court the next time they have a majority...if they ever have a majority again....but it becomes a never ending expansion until everyone in the fucking country has to take a turn.
A well monitored force of "Watchmen" might be just the thing. They would mostly be accountants, civil, criminal, and tax lawyers, archivist, with some trained investigators. They would have regional offices, and be funded by direct grants, so the house can't threaten to defund them.
They would audit random judge's and official's taxes and financial records, and look for any obvious proof of impropriety, which would then be reported to the DOJ. They would operate at all levels, from local city level governments to the senate, the pentagon, the white house....
I believe it would help prevent the hyper-partisan gerrymandering which I think is the most important to prevent. The gerrymandering is the most dangerous aspect you are dealing with, as it can lead to changes that could potentially never be undone short of another civil war.

Having "Watchmen" report to the DOJ would just be a slightly different version of the FBI, would it not? Being that the AG is nominated by the President, the "Watchmen" would essentially be under control of the President, no longer independent guardians and just more of the same, unless I am not understanding what you are meaning? I do think judges should be investigated pretty regularly. You might not be able to legally remove them from the bench, but it would serve the public interest and allow more people to have a bit more faith in the justice system.
I believe it would help prevent the hyper-partisan gerrymandering which I think is the most important to prevent. The gerrymandering is the most dangerous aspect you are dealing with, as it can lead to changes that could potentially never be undone short of another civil war.

Having "Watchmen" report to the DOJ would just be a slightly different version of the FBI, would it not? Being that the AG is nominated by the President, the "Watchmen" would essentially be under control of the President, no longer independent guardians and just more of the same, unless I am not understanding what you are meaning? I do think judges should be investigated pretty regularly. You might not be able to legally remove them from the bench, but it would serve the public interest and allow more people to have a bit more faith in the justice system.
The thing that NO ONE is actually watching anyone...If they were, it wouldn't have taken 8 years for crow buying thomas's Mother's house to become news...Pence and Biden wouldn't have been in the news about documents at all, trump would have been in the news about it a hell of a lot sooner, and the dumbass air nation guard kid would never have gotten started...
Beau does more to fight fascism than most and his image and accent appeal to many republicans who are having second thoughts. The number of questions and concerns from conservatives is increasing and he turns them into object lessons.

Let's talk about schools and a question from a conservative.....
Like when Obama became president, THEY ARE TAKING OVER!

They will be both shaken and stirred to stupidity.

i like Idris Elba, he's a good actor...That being said, I'm not sure he can pull off being James Bond....He will probably deliver a good performance, in a very action packed movie about spies, but in reality, Timothy Dalton was the last one to play the character the way he was written in the books.
Daniel Craig was good, but he wasn't Bond, he was just a spy...
now this is some bullshit, especially for/in NH

now this is some bullshit, especially for/in NH

i can see both sides...they have very strict rules here about signage for businesses, if they let everyone put up whatever they wanted, the place would look like Las Vegas during a Hunter S Thompson adrenochrome trip...
That sign seems pretty benign, and the situation is probably not nearly as intense, but towns do have signage laws for a reason.
i can see both sides...they have very strict rules here about signage for businesses, if they let everyone put up whatever they wanted, the place would look like Las Vegas during a Hunter S Thompson adrenochrome trip...
That sign seems pretty benign, and the situation is probably not nearly as intense, but towns do have signage laws for a reason.
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View attachment 5282770
I can see having stricter signage laws in a place where tourism is a part of the economy, but in West Nutscratch NH?
I also think it’s pretty unsporting to call the mural signage. It’s akin to saying that if you use one of those cutesy decorative plaques for your house number, it’s signage. I dunno jmo
I can see having stricter signage laws in a place where tourism is a part of the economy, but in West Nutscratch NH?
I also think it’s pretty unsporting to call the mural signage. It’s akin to saying that if you use one of those cutesy decorative plaques for your house number, it’s signage. I dunno jmo
If that mural was above a flower shop or some other unrelated business it would be different, but it being above a bakery pretty clearly goes against the spirit of their law, if not against the letter of it. It may not be a huge deal, but can become a real slippery slope quite quickly.

I don't believe the example you used would apply as it would not be related to a business, at least that's how I read what was written.

“But the town’s perception is that any mural depicting anything related to a business is a ‘sign.’"