Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

This is how America is dealing with the labor shortage because ya can't let immigrants in because they are mostly brown and black these days and besides, THEY ARE TAKING OVER!

Now employing child labor should be a serious offense, but apparently not in America, it is how the demographic problem will be solved, slavery. What else do you call an undocumented child who is forced into labor and who has no rights, but lives in fear of ICE deporting them to some Hellhole they are unlikely to survive. That is slavery, even if you pay them a pittance, if you are goona employ slaves in the first place and break the law, then you are not goona pay them the minimum wage, if you pay them at all. When they come looking for their pay, ya just tell them you'll call ICE and have them jailed and then deported, works like a charm. Who are they gonna call to enforce their rights, the government? Don't kid yourself you live in and are supported by a slave economy and slavery exists in large numbers in America and major corporations' employ slaves and so do their subcontractors. These people are slaves, argue with me if you disagree, when you have no rights, you are a slave, slaves were fed and these children are too, even if they buy the food at the 7-11. Kids have a right to be educated FFS, what kind of country has America become?

NYT: Migrant children exploited for labor in every state, government ignored warnings
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This is how America is dealing with the labor shortage because ya can't let immigrants in because they are mostly brown and black these days and besides, THEY ARE TAKING OVER!

Now employing child labor should be a serious offense, but apparently not in America, it is how the demographic problem will be solved, slavery. What else do you call an undocumented child who is forced into labor and who has no rights, but lives in fear of ICE deporting them to some Hellhole they are unlikely to survive. That is slavery, even if you pay them a pittance, if you are goona employ slaves in the first place and break the law, then you are not goona pay them the minimum wage, if you pay them at all. When they come looking for their pay, ya just tell them you'll call ICE and have them jailed and then deported, works like a charm. Who are they gonna call to enforce their rights, the government? Don't kid yourself you live in and are supported by a slave economy and slavery exists in large numbers in America and major corporations' employ slaves and so do their subcontractors. These people are slaves, argue with me if you disagree, when you have no rights, you are a slave, slaves were fed and these children are too, even if they buy the food at the 7-11. Kids have a right to be educated FFS, what kind of country has America become?

NYT: Migrant children exploited for labor in every state, government ignored warnings

Here's the sad reality...Americans are and have been entitled twats for generations, and it's getting worse with each passing generation.
Most of us have a work ethic, but a growing percentage doesn't seem to. When i was a young adult, living at home with your parents wasn't seen as being successful, or normal...Uber eats and door dash aren't careers. More and more people don't work regular jobs, and more and more of them have NOTHING saved....
And this is one of the major things that is making ^ that happen.
People demand things, and businesses try to give them those things. They need employees to do that. They can't get Americans to take the jobs, so they give them to who ever will take them.
While i don't doubt that there is a fair amount of fuckery, i DO doubt it's all jim crow share cropper company store slavery...They get paid, but they should be in school, and American workers should be doing those real jobs that really need to be done...I just have no idea how to convince the last two generations that living in their parent's basement and door dashing three days a week isn't going to cut it when their parents die and taxes eat the house.
Here's the sad reality...Americans are and have been entitled twats for generations, and it's getting worse with each passing generation.
Most of us have a work ethic, but a growing percentage doesn't seem to. When i was a young adult, living at home with your parents wasn't seen as being successful, or normal...Uber eats and door dash aren't careers. More and more people don't work regular jobs, and more and more of them have NOTHING saved....
And this is one of the major things that is making ^ that happen.
People demand things, and businesses try to give them those things. They need employees to do that. They can't get Americans to take the jobs, so they give them to who ever will take them.
While i don't doubt that there is a fair amount of fuckery, i DO doubt it's all jim crow share cropper company store slavery...They get paid, but they should be in school, and American workers should be doing those real jobs that really need to be done...I just have no idea how to convince the last two generations that living in their parent's basement and door dashing three days a week isn't going to cut it when their parents die and taxes eat the house.
that is the economic tip of a cultural iceberg. For now, our economy is still good enough that a sizable minority can live in mom’s basement and have as a primary skill being quite good with one of these.


Here's the sad reality...Americans are and have been entitled twats for generations, and it's getting worse with each passing generation.
Most of us have a work ethic, but a growing percentage doesn't seem to. When i was a young adult, living at home with your parents wasn't seen as being successful, or normal...Uber eats and door dash aren't careers. More and more people don't work regular jobs, and more and more of them have NOTHING saved....
And this is one of the major things that is making ^ that happen.
People demand things, and businesses try to give them those things. They need employees to do that. They can't get Americans to take the jobs, so they give them to who ever will take them.
While i don't doubt that there is a fair amount of fuckery, i DO doubt it's all jim crow share cropper company store slavery...They get paid, but they should be in school, and American workers should be doing those real jobs that really need to be done...I just have no idea how to convince the last two generations that living in their parent's basement and door dashing three days a week isn't going to cut it when their parents die and taxes eat the house.
I think the definition of slavery needs to be updated from 1860 to keep up with the times. Employing undocumented kids is slavery, they have no rights and are working illegally, yet those who employ them are doing nothing wrong. If your employer fucks you over you have recourse, they do not, even as adults, as children they are slaves, you need a much higher fucking standard and some mandatory prison time for employers. You also need more immigration, but THEY ARE TAKING OVER, fox tells them constantly. Immigrants are dangerous, Rupert is one and so is Elon.
I think the definition of slavery needs to be updated from 1860 to keep up with the times. Employing undocumented kids is slavery, they have no rights and are working illegally, yet those who employ them are doing nothing wrong. If your employer fucks you over you have recourse, they do not, even as adults, as children they are slaves, you need a much higher fucking standard and some mandatory prison time for employers. You also need more immigration, but THEY ARE TAKING OVER, fox tells them constantly. Immigrants are dangerous, Rupert is one and so is Elon.
I believe the term “indenture”, which is not quite chattel slavery, works.
I think the definition of slavery needs to be updated from 1860 to keep up with the times. Employing undocumented kids is slavery, they have no rights and are working illegally, yet those who employ them are doing nothing wrong. If your employer fucks you over you have recourse, they do not, even as adults, as children they are slaves, you need a much higher fucking standard and some mandatory prison time for employers. You also need more immigration, but THEY ARE TAKING OVER, fox tells them constantly. Immigrants are dangerous, Rupert is one and so is Elon.
Tell the republicans, they're the ones trying to shut the border...You know you're preachin to the choir.
And yeah, there are some assholes who will fuck people over, but most of those places have to keep records, and report hours, and if they give their undocumented workers too much shit, there are other meat packing plants that don't, there are fast food places...there are a ton of shitty jobs that pay crap...but they do pay...I just don't see it being like David Copperfield for the most part. Don't get me wrong, this IS fucked up, and those kids SHOULD be in school, and not doing nasty dangerous work, but i'm pretty sure the case with most of them will be that they work where their parents work, and they get paid like their parents do, they don't go huddle for warmth in a share croppers shack with no dinner at the end of their shift.
Just trying to keep things in perspective...outrage should be felt by your audience, flacks of spittle should not.
Tell the republicans, they're the ones trying to shut the border...You know you're preachin to the choir.
And yeah, there are some assholes who will fuck people over, but most of those places have to keep records, and report hours, and if they give their undocumented workers too much shit, there are other meat packing plants that don't, there are fast food places...there are a ton of shitty jobs that pay crap...but they do pay...I just don't see it being like David Copperfield for the most part. Don't get me wrong, this IS fucked up, and those kids SHOULD be in school, and not doing nasty dangerous work, but i'm pretty sure the case with most of them will be that they work where their parents work, and they get paid like their parents do, they don't go huddle for warmth in a share croppers shack with no dinner at the end of their shift.
Just trying to keep things in perspective...outrage should be felt by your audience, flacks of spittle should not.
Sometimes I just get pissed at it all Roger and I'm glad it's not my country or I'd be climbing the fucking walls and at war with the assholes fulltime. Once I won, there would be no repeats and no rising from the fucking grave, just by using the truth, facts and the law to the extent the constitution would allow. Every patriot who swore an oath in America is under an obligation to destroy these assholes, once they jump ship on democracy and civil society, they should be fucked every way fair and foul possible. They are enemies of the constitution, and you know them from their words and actions, patriots have a duty to defend and protect the constitution, a scrap of paper cannot protect itself, it needs patriots for that.
I thought otherwise. A contract implies the capacity to dissent.
Indentured servitude used to be a popular thing and many people came to America using it, sometimes it was a fair work agreement with good and honorable people who often became lifelong friends. It often involved working for room and board for 5 years in exchange for passage on a ship. It was covered by contract and was abused of course.
Indentured servitude used to be a popular thing and many people came to America using it, sometimes it was a fair work agreement with good and honorable people who often became lifelong friends. It often involved working for room and board for 5 years in exchange for passage on a ship. It was covered by contract and was abused of course.
That was one of several modes, some of which played fast&loose with the consent of the indentured.
That was one of several modes, some of which played fast&loose with the consent of the indentured.
It was gotten rid of long ago for those reasons, it was a popular way to get to America for young people in the 1600s and later

What is the difference between slavery and indentured servitude?

Indentured servitude differed from slavery in that it was a form of debt bondage, meaning it was an agreed upon term of unpaid labor that usually paid off the costs of the servant's immigration to America. Indentured servants were not paid wages but they were generally housed, clothed, and fed.

Slavery and Servitude | Confronting History at Cliveden

When did indentured servitude end?

Image result for indentured servatude ended

It started from the end of slavery in 1833 and continued until 1920
It was gotten rid of long ago for those reasons, it was a popular way to get to America for young people in the 1600s and later

What is the difference between slavery and indentured servitude?

Indentured servitude differed from slavery in that it was a form of debt bondage, meaning it was an agreed upon term of unpaid labor that usually paid off the costs of the servant's immigration to America. Indentured servants were not paid wages but they were generally housed, clothed, and fed.

Slavery and Servitude | Confronting History at Cliveden
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When did indentured servitude end?

Image result for indentured servatude ended

It started from the end of slavery in 1833 and continued until 1920
in the early 1800s it was a primary tool of British naval press gangs. It gave us “Shanghaied” as a participle.
in the early 1800s it was a primary tool of British naval press gangs. It gave us “Shanghaied” as a participle.
They got rid of it for a reason, it was probably useful to some in the beginning, but it was one of those things open to abuse and they got better at abusing it over time.
You might call it slavery. Reagan, trickle down, out sourcing, move manufacturing to China and elsewhere, defund education. Those, along with guns, gays and abortion are GOP platforms that've held since Nixon, and gotten stronger every decade since. You had Fed Reserve Chair Alan Greenspan testify in congress in 2008 that he "was wrong about trickle-down economics." Corporate lobbies owned GOP pols and they even had to sign Grover Norquist's No-Tax Pledge, or they'd lose campaign funding and have their opponents funded against them in GOP primaries. Who the fuck is Norquist? China joined the WTO in 2000, and was welcomed with open arms by the right-wing, nazi, greed mongering GOP and their corporate overlords who benefited from cheap Chinese manufacturing labor (google Foxxcon, and iPhone). So b'bye USA manufacturing jobs, and worker training, expertise, experience, and hello Uber eats and door dash, aka a service-based economy rather than a manufacturing based one. Then remember the sick repulsive repugnant republicans wanted to PRIVATIZE education for about 15 years? So, schools, education, teaching, was all defunded, cut, eliminated as much as the dems would allow, and then came the term, "dumbed down". But the idiots continued to support GOP, right wing candidates because of their guns/gays/abortion platforms of violence, hate, and anti-democratic values, further degrading our economic system and our society at large. Now people don't want to work, they have no skills, a piss-poor education where they stopped teaching cursive writing in all schools in the USA. I don't blame millennials, they were victimized by right wing, corporate-owned political toadies. The right and their corporate overlords had nothing to lose and everything to gain by demolishing education: dumb ppl are more easily controlled, taxes are lowered thus increasing corporate profits, slave rate foreign labor costs, and the functionally illiterate will believe morally they're in the right by voting for these megalomaniacs.

What's that called when a citizen casts a vote counter to his own best interests? If you work for a living, you do not vote for a republican. He wants to increase your taxes and cut taxes for the rich. He wants to lower your wages, so corporate profits and the share-holder class profit from your hard work. Of course, you also want what Reagan wanted when he said, "the best government is no government at all." Yep, long as he governs "no government at all." The boobs signed on to that libertarianist idea wholesale. And they don't even know what a libertarian is. It's pathetic to witness and thus be assailed. Yeah, u could call it slavery.
Here's the sad reality...Americans are and have been entitled twats for generations, and it's getting worse with each passing generation.
Most of us have a work ethic, but a growing percentage doesn't seem to. When i was a young adult, living at home with your parents wasn't seen as being successful, or normal...Uber eats and door dash aren't careers. More and more people don't work regular jobs, and more and more of them have NOTHING saved....
And this is one of the major things that is making ^ that happen.
People demand things, and businesses try to give them those things. They need employees to do that. They can't get Americans to take the jobs, so they give them to who ever will take them.
While i don't doubt that there is a fair amount of fuckery, i DO doubt it's all jim crow share cropper company store slavery...They get paid, but they should be in school, and American workers should be doing those real jobs that really need to be done...I just have no idea how to convince the last two generations that living in their parent's basement and door dashing three days a week isn't going to cut it when their parents die and taxes eat the house.
that is the economic tip of a cultural iceberg. For now, our economy is still good enough that a sizable minority can live in mom’s basement and have as a primary skill being quite good with one of these.

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Every generation thinks the same. LOL

They are right, not many want to work, and few enjoy their jobs. They don't want to work, they have to!
I think people do actually want to work. The strive for efficiency that tends to fall on the lowest paid people, who continue to fall further behind every year, has caused many to approach work with a different mindset. It'll all get figured out soon enough, history has a way of repeating itself (it's quite interesting seeing it and Van explains it well).

I think people do actually want to work. The strive for efficiency that tends to fall on the lowest paid people, who continue to fall further behind every year, has caused many to approach work with a different mindset. It'll all get figured out soon enough, history has a way of repeating itself (it's quite interesting seeing it and Van explains it well).

The Chinese have a saying, if you love what you do, you'll never have to work again. Some people love their jobs, they are interesting, challenging and brings social statues. I was in no rush to retire from my job, even retired at 57 when I could have gone at 55. Most people however don't like their jobs because their jobs often suck!