Stunning..Meet Your Next Supreme

It amuses. When the big bad boogeyman righty does the same, you cry, "hate crime!" Imagine if some alt alt-right douches sent Keith Ellison a bunch of these as protest.

When did right wingers send Collins coat hangers?
Sending a woman, who already said she wouldn't support an anti-roe v wade candidate, coat hate hangers, is hate against women, but since she plays for the wrong team, it's alright.
Why is a peaceful action like sending a coat hanger through the mail hatred against women?
Why is a peaceful action like sending a coat hanger through the mail hatred against women?

Because it's not peaceful and a symbol of women who died of infection from botched abortions, num nuts. So it's hate speech. Speech doesn't need to use words, they're only symbols used for communication, otherwise sign language wouldn't be considered speech. Why do you support hate speech?

Because it's not peaceful and a symbol of women who died of infection from botched abortions, num nuts. So it's hate speech. Speech doesn't need to use words, they're only symbols used for communication, otherwise sign language wouldn't be considered speech. Why do you support hate speech?

What’s the least peaceful part about the inanimate coat hangers? Do they come to life st night or something?
What’s the least peaceful part about the inanimate coat hangers? Do they come to life st night or something?

What would be hateful about putting a finely gourmet cooked pork chop with slices of bacon on your Muslim co-worker's desk? Maybe you just thought he was hungry?

You eat that, so what's the big deal?
Trump says only guilty people plead the fifth

So why did convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein plead the fifth when asked if he and trump lurked around underage girls together?

yup..he said it..he even said it about bill cosby who he's no fan of..

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account@realDonaldTrump

I am no fan of Bill Cosby but never-the-less some free advice - if you are innocent, do not remain silent. You look guilty as hell!

4:52 AM - 20 Nov 2014

..but what if YOU'RE GUILTY?