Stunning..Meet Your Next Supreme

Your desire to control women is on par with a Muslim theocracy

No thanks, nazi

There's nothing wrong with being against abortion. Wanting to kill your unborn baby makes you an asshole. There's nothing wrong with being an asshole, I'm one. What's wrong is wanting to make what assholes do illegal because you dislike assholes.

If a woman wants to be an asshole for killing her unborn baby,.fine she can stew in her own conscience. Also it's wrong to want to make illegal or silence those who call them assholes. Maybe we're both assholes, and I don't care.
There's nothing wrong with being against abortion. Wanting to kill your unborn baby makes you an asshole. There's nothing wrong with being an asshole, I'm one. What's wrong is wanting to make what assholes do illegal because you dislike assholes.

If a woman wants to be an asshole for killing her unborn baby,.fine she can stew in her own conscience. Also it's wrong to want to make illegal or silence those who call them assholes. Maybe we're both assholes, and I don't care.

you can't tell a woman what to do with her body. perhaps mandatory vasectomy?
you can't tell a woman what to do with her body. perhaps mandatory vasectomy?

You're putting words in my mouth. I never said either of those things. I said she could. She has every right to be Chilli.

You produce karma, and it will forever produce dividends.

Society needs to understand that every child is the future and all should have their basic needs met, no matter who your parent is.

Meet Chilli who understands my point.
You're putting words in my mouth. I never said either of those things. I said she could. She has every right to be Chilli.

You produce karma, and it will forever produce dividends.

Society needs to understand that every child is the future and all should have their basic needs met, no matter who your parent is.

Meet Chilli who understands my point.

you said it was an asshole thing to do..New Hire Reporting is done in every state to track down deadbeat parents who refuse their dividends.
you said it was an asshole thing to do..New Hire Reporting is done in every state to track down deadbeat parents who refuse their dividends.

The dead beat dad is not right either. Doesn't change the fact you're an asshole for having an abortion. I'm Pro-choice you getting to choose your being an asshole. If that makes me an asshole too, so be it. But I'm not going to lie and say I approve when I don't.

I'm very lefty myself, but I refuse not to say things just because they might hurt someone's feelings. I'm not going to go out of my way to tell you what I think. This is an online forum, which is different from real life. In real life you need some form of restraint. Places like this should be a place to let it all out.

See, I personally think all meat eaters are murders too.. But that's my opinion, and someone who eats meat has to live with their actions.

But in real life I'll let you do those things and mind my own business. Unless you ask me directly what I think. In which case I won't lie and tell you, "yeah you're a murderer, but if you're ok with it, then I respect your decision." And if you want advice on how you can change your ways, I'll give it to the best of my ability.

Unless you're my wife, you don't get the privilege of me lying just so I don't hurt your feelings.
Real men eat steak

I'm not here to judge. What you want to do in the privacy of your own home is your business. It's also my right not to want to participate or watch either.

Cause to me a real man eats tuna for the one he loves, no matter his convictions. But, hey, to each their own.
The dead beat dad is not right either. Doesn't change the fact you're an asshole for having an abortion. I'm Pro-choice you getting to choose your being an asshole. If that makes me an asshole too, so be it. But I'm not going to lie and say I approve when I don't.

I'm very lefty myself, but I refuse not to say things just because they might hurt someone's feelings. I'm not going to go out of my way to tell you what I think. This is an online forum, which is different from real life. In real life you need some form of restraint. Places like this should be a place to let it all out.

See, I personally think all meat eaters are murders too.. But that's my opinion, and someone who eats meat has to live with their actions.

But in real life I'll let you do those things and mind my own business. Unless you ask me directly what I think. In which case I won't lie and tell you, "yeah you're a murderer, but if you're ok with it, then I respect your decision." And if you want advice on how you can change your ways, I'll give it to the best of my ability.

Unless you're my wife, you don't get the privilege of me lying just so I don't hurt your feelings.

i'm not asking you to lie; i'm debating you.
I'm not here to judge. What you want to do in the privacy of your own home is your business. It's also my right not to want to participate or watch either.

Cause to me a real man eats tuna for the one he loves, no matter his convictions. But, hey, to each their own.

for the one you love?
There's nothing wrong with being against abortion. Wanting to kill your unborn baby makes you an asshole. There's nothing wrong with being an asshole, I'm one. What's wrong is wanting to make what assholes do illegal because you dislike assholes.

If a woman wants to be an asshole for killing her unborn baby,.fine she can stew in her own conscience. Also it's wrong to want to make illegal or silence those who call them assholes. Maybe we're both assholes, and I don't care.
I want to send Collins a coat hanger. address plz.
There's nothing wrong with being against abortion. Wanting to kill your unborn baby makes you an asshole. There's nothing wrong with being an asshole, I'm one. What's wrong is wanting to make what assholes do illegal because you dislike assholes.

If a woman wants to be an asshole for killing her unborn baby,.fine she can stew in her own conscience. Also it's wrong to want to make illegal or silence those who call them assholes. Maybe we're both assholes, and I don't care.
Hi canna sylvan

How’s your autistic kid doing?
I accepted your warning and didn't watch, what was it about ...Please?

This guy wanted to do a Buddhist hotline, but 4chan trolls found out, so he turned his hotline to troll them. By getting overly dramatic when they used racist or sexist language, or mentioned the J word.

He'd make up fake Buddhism conversion oaths, where 4chan would go, "fuck you, Jesus loves you," after the conversion, "you can't do that, you're a Buddhist now!" Or play racist songs. Play sounds of masturbation. Accuse him of having sex with gay prostitutes, and he'd go on a tantrum about the Buddha is against gays.

It's like the Buddhist version of MTV's Sifl n' Ollie, but without puppets and Buddhism.

Just a bunch of random stuff.