stupidest arrest ever....


Well-Known Member
This thread is full of idiots... yay.

There's a lot more to this story than the OP is telling us, but because we only hear his side, we all monday morning quarterback the officer and talk about busting caps in pigs asses... oh humanity... there is none left in this world.

Here's a hint for next time... keep it at home.


Well-Known Member
What I don't get is how is half a gram an arrestable offence. You are clearly under 18. In LA cops give out notices to appear in court for anything under an oz if your 18 if your not 18 they take you in & book you then mom has to come get you.

So how old are you? For half a gram Jail time? I dnt know man something not right


Well-Known Member
What I don't get is how is half a gram an arrestable offence. You are clearly under 18. In LA cops give out notices to appear in court for anything under an oz if your 18 if your not 18 they take you in & book you then mom has to come get you.

So how old are you? For half a gram Jail time? I dnt know man something not right

Lol at underage detective.


Well-Known Member
Reasons like this is why I get an inner smile when I hear about cop shootings.

I'm glad it is not just me. I don't even feel bad for the grieving widow...just like that bitch in hitler's bunker...she knew what she was getting into. Sorry for the kiddies though.

Why no grad school? and he was just doing his job. Maybe you guys were being kind of shady. Police men have to make a living too.
Pol Pot was just doing his job.

thats better then screwing him over and takin him with him.

id probably do that 2 if i were a cop.

"hey you you smokin a joint?"
"no sir"
"sure you are, gimme that"
*walks away smokin*
Then you would truly be a towel...i'm sorry I didn't mean that...I'm a little high.

This thread is full of idiots... yay.

There's a lot more to this story than the OP is telling us, but because we only hear his side, we all monday morning quarterback the officer and talk about busting caps in pigs asses... oh humanity... there is none left in this world.

Here's a hint for next time... keep it at home.
Humanity? Swine are not part of humanity. They are at war. Just because you are hiding in a hole doesn't mean they won't hang you are still their enemy. Given half a chance, they will kick down your door and violate as many of your constitutional rights as they can think of, for your .5g and your bong. They do this because they are afraid of real criminals, for good reason...Cowboy Pussies.



Well-Known Member
What I don't get is how is half a gram an arrestable offence. You are clearly under 18. In LA cops give out notices to appear in court for anything under an oz if your 18 if your not 18 they take you in & book you then mom has to come get you.

So how old are you? For half a gram Jail time? I dnt know man something not right
In '93 I was arrested in Kansas City, Mo. with less than a gram of nasty mexican brick weed. I was taken to the downtown jail in a paddy wagon from the Grandview substation because I would not (could not) untie a hairwrap from my dreads. Had to get bailed out. Did not return after finding out the penalty for misdemeanor (no distinction between a stem and 28g) possesion is, or was, anything from probation to a year in jail. Being dread locked, unemployed with no address in Missouri...probation was not going to be an option. I paid back my friend for the bail I skipped on and somehow (Y2K?) the FTA dissappeared.

Point is...other parts of the country still have terrible Cannabis laws. I suspect he is in Indiana, they are probably the worst.

Be thankful we are in Cali where Cannabis will be sold (and taxed) to adults to do with as they please VERY soon.

The problem is, his arrest creates revenue...during alcohol prohibition, and after....the agents who persued illegal alcohol production, possesion, consumption and sales, were called "revenuers" This is what modern day pigs are. They stop ZERO crime. They collect/extort revenue from tickets, court fines and the fencing of siezed property.



Active Member
So i was arrested in my hometown which has about 4000 people in it give or take ON MY BIRTHDAY by a local cop. I was with a friend in his car and he was in the drivers seat, the weed was under my possession but I had not bought it or even smoked once that day. Me and my friend were parked and a cop came driving by and stopped and pulled us out because we were two "suspicious looking people in a suspicious looking vehicle." Oh, and all of this took place at about know, when all the suspicious and dangerous people are out prowling the streets. The motherfucker arrested me for having .5g in my inside jacket pocket. So for less than $20 worth of bud, not even driving under the influence, not even smoking it, I spent my birthday in jail, am facing probably a year of probation and no smoking, and will owe about $5000 when all is said and done. All I have to say is.....FUCK THE US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FUCK POLICEMEN ON THEIR HIGH HORSES WHO THINK THEYRE ABOVE THE LAW. hahahahahaha oh and i forgot, the best fucking part about the entire thing was, (and this really gave me a very clear view as to how cops are trained to deal with marijuana and drugs in general), The god damn pig asked me on the way back to the station if I had payed for the weed with my credit card...........I told him yes just for the fuck of it. FUCK THE POLICE. So thats the start of my criminal record, no grad school, and difficulty finding jobs for a while. Thank you United States of America and the selfish ignorant bastards who run it!! Just my two cents. Peace everyone. :peace: Thanks for listening to my rant lol burn one for me :joint:
OMG thats sucks bro! on the B_DAY no less. Check this out. Once i got stopped cause my dumb ass friend freaked out about his seat belt when a cop got behind us, he rushed to put it on and looked so guilty the lights when on . Anyways i had a half of a roach in my ashtray that i forgot about. The cop smelled it instantly as he approached the window and told me to get out. ... Couldnt beleive it somekind of superhuman smelling. Then he proceeded to dump my whole pack of cigarettes on the flooor of my truck so he could put the roach in there (so it wouldnt get on his clothes he Then the ass whole wrote me a ticket for the seat belt and the bud and took off. I stayed for a minute to watch him drive off. The asshole pulled into a nearby parking lot and shortly therafter another cop came and parked opposite him window to window for like 10 minutes and then they bounced out. Gee ! i wonder what they did? They gave me a ticket then smoked my shit! damn coppers!
Also after reading some of the police hate hear i just wanna say i fully support all HONEST cops and Soldiers.....BUT THE CROOKED ONES CAN EAT A BIG FAT PENIS!


Well-Known Member
Yo, i also feel your pain. I have a thread on my 2nd arrest for simple possession, and the cops are just as bad here in South Carolina as they probably are everywhere.

Why no grad school? and he was just doing his job. Maybe you guys were being kind of shady. Police men have to make a living too.
Are you on the cops side? His "job" is to defend society, not arrest passive marijuana users who don't harm shit. That's the fucking truth, when you get arrested, the STATE makes money and the person arrested LOSES money. It's a corrupt system, and since i've been arrested twice it is now impossible for me to look at cops as decent people. if i ever get the chance to kill a fat ignorant cop and get away with it, i probably wouldn't hesitate to do so.


Well-Known Member
Are you on the cops side? His "job" is to defend society, not arrest passive marijuana users who don't harm shit. That's the fucking truth, when you get arrested, the STATE makes money and the person arrested LOSES money. It's a corrupt system, and since i've been arrested twice it is now impossible for me to look at cops as decent people. if i ever get the chance to kill a fat ignorant cop and get away with it, i probably wouldn't hesitate to do so.
Well that's not very nice. Walk a mile in another's shoes before you judge.


Well-Known Member
Humanity? Swine are not part of humanity. They are at war. Just because you are hiding in a hole doesn't mean they won't hang you are still their enemy. Given half a chance, they will kick down your door and violate as many of your constitutional rights as they can think of, for your .5g and your bong. They do this because they are afraid of real criminals, for good reason...Cowboy Pussies.
I have family members that are LE... so for you to say that, really proves how much I was correct in my observation in this thread. The less people in the world like you, the better...

Are you on the cops side? His "job" is to defend society, not arrest passive marijuana users who don't harm shit. That's the fucking truth, when you get arrested, the STATE makes money and the person arrested LOSES money. It's a corrupt system, and since i've been arrested twice it is now impossible for me to look at cops as decent people. if i ever get the chance to kill a fat ignorant cop and get away with it, i probably wouldn't hesitate to do so.

Actually an officers job is to enforce the law, and being that marijuana is most likely ILLEGAL where this kid is from, he was doing his job. Do not blame police for the laws, blame the lawmakers... and if you ever got that chance, I can only hope your family gets to see the video of officers removing your genes from the pool... and see what kind of kid they truly raised.


I have family members that are LE... so for you to say that, really proves how much I was correct in my observation in this thread. The less people in the world like you, the better...

Actually an officers job is to enforce the law, and being that marijuana is most likely ILLEGAL where this kid is from, he was doing his job. Do not blame police for the laws, blame the lawmakers... and if you ever got that chance, I can only hope your family gets to see the video of officers removing your genes from the pool... and see what kind of kid they truly raised.
but my question is what changed that made cops go from "peace officers" to "law enforcement officers"??... there is a marked difference between those two terms....


Well-Known Member
I have family members that are LE... so for you to say that, really proves how much I was correct in my observation in this thread. The less people in the world like you, the better...

Actually an officers job is to enforce the law, and being that marijuana is most likely ILLEGAL where this kid is from, he was doing his job. Do not blame police for the laws, blame the lawmakers... and if you ever got that chance, I can only hope your family gets to see the video of officers removing your genes from the pool... and see what kind of kid they truly raised.
but my question is what changed that made cops go from "peace officers" to "law enforcement officers"??... there is a marked difference between those two terms....

And how do they justify prioritizing possession of Cannabis over violent crime...they are cowards...most so simple as to have any thoughts of there own...sheeple. Enforcing laws my ass. They are collecting revenue...doing the same thing they have been doing since high school...preying on who they perceive as weak...the poor and the non violent. Look who is in traffic court...the poor, the jails crowded with drug offenders...rapists, murderers and molesters paroled to make room for more of the victimless criminals kidnapped by pigs to afraid of real crime.

Maybe your relatives are the Sheriff Taylor type..capable of executing what some consider a necessary evil with humanity and humility in spite of carrying the power to kill in an instant at their fingertip...considering the quickness with which you have dispatched myself and other miscreants from your sphere of intolerance, I doubt it.

Do your LEO relatives know you smoke and grow pot? If so, have they ever taken away a citizens freedom for Cannabis? If not would they arrest you? And do you believe that smoking weed is a crime...are you a criminal?

If your relatives are some rare strain of pig that actually serves and protects instead of actively seeking out victims to harass...well then we obviously are not talking of your kin.



Well-Known Member
I have family members that are LE... so for you to say that, really proves how much I was correct in my observation in this thread. The less people in the world like you, the better...
Nice. 2 mins after this was posted I received rep from the post you quoted on Humanity.

This is what was left in the message in my rep "Dead man walkin'"

Did you forget to sign your rep?...I always like to do that so people way or the other:-?

Evidently "Elites" can still give -rep cuz I lost points:cry:



I have family members that are LE... so for you to say that, really proves how much I was correct in my observation in this thread. The less people in the world like you, the better...

Actually an officers job is to enforce the law, and being that marijuana is most likely ILLEGAL where this kid is from, he was doing his job. Do not blame police for the laws, blame the lawmakers... and if you ever got that chance, I can only hope your family gets to see the video of officers removing your genes from the pool... and see what kind of kid they truly raised.
Who is "upholding" a law when they're molly whopping some guy with nightsticks countless times on tape. Countless cases of sexual harassment. Fuck cops, your family members are pricks. :finger:

We need more gangs with balls.


Well-Known Member
lol i got the "dead man walkin" thing as well.
Originally Posted by SocataSmoker
I have family members that are LE... so for you to say that, really proves how much I was correct in my observation in this thread. The less people in the world like you, the better...

Actually an officers job is to enforce the law, and being that marijuana is most likely ILLEGAL where this kid is from, he was doing his job. Do not blame police for the laws, blame the lawmakers... and if you ever got that chance, I can only hope your family gets to see the video of officers removing your genes from the pool... and see what kind of kid they truly raised.
Sounds like you think you know it all. im guessing you've never seen a cop act like an asshole and arrest you before? I know its the lawmakers fault, it's also the cops fault for taking it so seriously. Not to mention their lack of education on marijuana. And that so many of them are overweight..their fault.