stupidest arrest ever....


Active Member
I think you should move to Canada :).
haha i agree to that.

All i have to say on all of these comments is thank you for all the wishes and good lucks, I am definitely over the age of 18, I had NOT smoked the day of and fuck you who said I had, I was in my body that day (you were not). I told the story as best as I possibly could without giving away details as to where/who/when was involved. I do not hate all cops, I have been let out of speeding tickets before by (actually just one lol) a police officer, and actually one of my best friends fathers growing up was a police man and a very lawful one at that, BUT to sum up the profession as a whole, those who have no sense of control or power will instinctively crave and go after power when given the opportunity, i.e. police officers. And the profession is corrupt as all hell. Oh, and last but not least......

Socata-- Get the fuck out. all you seem to be doing is stirring up shit with everyone for no god damn reason. You keep calling everyone else out on being unlawful and so HYPOCRITICAL, so what the fuck entitled you to your high horse and priceless words of neverending wisdom?? Haha your thought process and very rude commentary lines up very similarly to every policeman that I have ever talked to..........honestly I wouldnt be surprised if you are responding to this thread in the safety of your unmarked Charger cruiser while pulling a few teenagers over and stealing their Devil Weed! :hug: love you, you smelly twat! <3


Well-Known Member
Socata-- Get the fuck out. all you seem to be doing is stirring up shit with everyone for no god damn reason. You keep calling everyone else out on being unlawful and so HYPOCRITICAL, so what the fuck entitled you to your high horse and priceless words of neverending wisdom?? Haha your thought process and very rude commentary lines up very similarly to every policeman that I have ever talked to..........honestly I wouldnt be surprised if you are responding to this thread in the safety of your unmarked Charger cruiser while pulling a few teenagers over and stealing their Devil Weed! :hug: love you, you smelly twat! <3
Hypocritical, sure... I've ridden around lots of times high, but if I got caught doing it, no matter the amount I had on me... I'd never blast the officer for DOING HIS JOB. It's illegal and until that changes, we unfortunately must do our best to hide it, which means... keep it in your house! Or, be a moving target and don't sit around. As for being a cop, nope... I'd love to, but with my record there's no way I'd pass a background for any LE agency. And the fact I smoked copious amounts of pot would also put a hold on it. Oh well, like I said, you brought it on yourself and there's no one to BLAME but yourself. Have the greatest day ever!

Love you too, slippery cunt. :peace:


Well-Known Member
First and foremost , cops are all dirty.And if you believe otherwise , you my friends are a fool.[...]So to all you that believe cops are hard working , honest people , and i mean this with all the offense i can put behind it , EAT A DICK YOU MORON.And for the cops ,I aint got shit for ya , youre a piece of shit and until this system is changed and revamped i will show no officer of the law nor the court any respect , because respect is earned not given!
Tell it Brother! I worked with a douche who was married to pig. She would steal weed from people and bring it home for him (alcohol too). I was glad that he told what you will but I don't hang with pig f@ckers, beastiality is just wrong. Welcome to RIU.

Oh, and last but not least......

Socata-- Get the fuck out.[...] your thought process and very rude commentary lines up very similarly to every policeman that I have ever talked to..........honestly I wouldnt be surprised if you are responding to this thread in the safety of your unmarked Charger cruiser while pulling a few teenagers over and stealing their Devil Weed!
That is what I was thinking too...but alas, no!...

As for being a cop, nope... I'd love to, but
A wannabe cop...on RIU...kinda makes me feel...:spew:violated:confused:



Well-Known Member
I am kinda at a loss as to what a guy who wants to (but can't) be a cop is doing hanging around a grow site.

What, because I like pot, means I can't like LE too? This mentality is, hopefully, a dying mentality. You haven't been around long enough, but there have been quite a few "Is it strange that I want to be a cop" threads posted on here.


Well-Known Member
What, because I like pot, means I can't like LE too? This mentality is, hopefully, a dying mentality. You haven't been around long enough, but there have been quite a few "Is it strange that I want to be a cop" threads posted on here.
Well sort of...It just makes you a hypocrite...good LE material I say.

Just because it has been discussed before does not make it cool. being swineifilic and a pothead is like the pious christian that does evil things...oh here is a good one for fighters who moonlight as the arsonist..."because I like to set things on fire, means I can't like fighting fire?"...Dogs who try to f@ck cats...sure this shit happens, doesn't make it cool.

I sure hope this is not a dying mentality (it will die [our part] when the war on drugs ends). You would do your doodie and destroy lives for the same herb you "like"...cuz it's ill-eagle. All my life, in my community, this LE ideology has been wholly unacceptable Water and Oil. If it walks like a duck...



Well-Known Member
Well sort of...It just makes you a hypocrite...good LE material I say.
You can tell all of that from my posts eh? Never in my potential LE career would I bust somebody for pot unless they were obviously DWI from it... anyone too stoned to drive correctly shouldn't be on the street. So how am I a hypocrite? My whole point in this thread is that the OP acts like it's not his fault he got into trouble, well it is... the law is law, and until we change it, it is what we have to deal with. Say what you will... but I am glad for laws in this country I call home.