Stupidest High Moment


whats the stupidest thing you've done high?

my friend and I were listening to the song "ocean man" by ween. Whilst standing near the stereo we were talking about how much we loved the song and probably were dancing to it haha. whilst listening i swore i heard something in the song i hadnt heard before, it sounded like an little guitar riff really low in the mix. I told my mate and he said he heard it too and we just stood there trying to work out what it was.

about 30 seconds later my mate said "shit..... is this really loud?"... it was... we were standing there screaming as loud as we could at each other about this thing in the song when in actual fact we were just listening to it very very very loudly. we were probably just hearing our ears being severely damaged. it was really dumb


Active Member
I was really high and went to go take a shit .So im sitting there on the shitter and i think "now would be a good time to roll a joint" so i roll up quite a fatty and as i try to tear off the twisted end it slips out of my hand and into a pile of shit. Moral of the story - don't roll a joint whilst taking a shit.


Well-Known Member
i have to ask.... did you still smoke it?
This doesn't answer to the question, but it reminded me of this`
me and a few friends were at a local park, I was in the drivers seat (we were parked) and my best friend was behind me in the back and just finished rolling a joint, put it in his mouth and was about to light it when we see a cop car pull into the parking lot, and there's only one entrance/ exit. He immidiatly throws the joint in his mouth, but when the cop got behind us we saw what was pretty obviously a whore in his passenger seat, and his hand up to cover his face. He proceeded to drive back behind a tree line and turn off his lights. Homeboy pulls the wet joint out of his mouth, and said, "well, we still got this joint" he used a lighter to dry it out and we smoked it right there laughing our ass off at the fact that at that park, even the cops where there to do shit they weren't supposed to be doing. †LOL† to this day, thats my favorite fucking park ever. Another time at the same park a family pulled up in a van while we were smoking a joint. They looked at us, and we looked at them, one of them pulls out a bag, grabs a goose, and stuffs it in the bag, nods at us, we nod back, then they drove off.


haha maybe these kind of stories would make a better thread. situations where you shouldn't have smoked, but you did anyway


Well-Known Member
†LOL† we figured he would take longer with the whore then it would for us to smoke it. Though looking back on it, I guess that was a gamble... =p


Well-Known Member
Last week at Chipotle I was drinking an Izze (bottled beverage). When I reached for the smoked chipotle tabasco sauce, I grabbed the izze, and poured it all over my burrito. I was talking while I did it and my friend noticed before I did. Fail. I finished the burrito so rep on that son :) hahaha!!
accidentally taking a drink of bong water because it was made outa a pop bottle and one time i drank old bongwater/gatorade for a free nug totally worth it


Well-Known Member
I have two stories that popped into my head.. haha

1) I was in highschool, decided to drop during school. TERRIBLE decision. My actual goal was to see how long I could go without getting caught, seems as I knew I'd be fucked anyways. So I eat 4 dancing bear tabs best acid in the state as I was told, now looking back it was pretty fuckin good lucy. So I hide in the bathrooms stall for 2 hours, waiting til my friend leaves for work at 11. I'm hiding in there and I'm so scared because I was having extreme clostrophobia so I get out of the stall. To see my psychology teacher. AS we're in the middle of the drug unit (He made it an LSD unit seems as I could totally tell that man was a fryer lol) and he looked at me, I was terrified. Then I say 'holy shit you ever seen water thats so pure?' I actually thought that would be an okay thing to say. He just looks at me, I see every muscle in his cheek work a smile out, then he just CHEESES. And says 'Son, you better get the fuck out of this school before the cameras witness you snarling at one of the janitors.' My pupils were totally HUGE, I could barely walk, I had that swiggly thing goin on. Don't even get me started about talking. Nothing came out right that day. So the teacher leaves after I thank him a billion times for leaving me alone(he was in a real hurry to gtfo of there :p), then I realize.. 'oh shit. My bookbags totally gone...' So I walk down to the office 'grow some balls and manned up' as I thought I was doing.. And go up to the lady which took a million years btw, and say' I LOST MY BOOKBAG AND UHMM I NEED TO FIND MY BOOKBAG PLEASE MA'AM'. So she just probably thinks I'm retarded or something and gives me my bookbag someone fucking turned in. I had WEED in the front pocket in the open. Those bastards.. Didn't find it. Thank god. So then I go to the parking officer say I need to get my binder out of my car, then just book, hop over the campus fence, and played in the woods til my fellow friends stopped by after school and shared a spliff :) I didnt even wait for my ride, I totally forgot I could even do that.

2) We mooned a police officer going onto the service road when we were on our way back from re upping...... Then we realized.. Oh shit.. That goes back on the highway. So we got pulled over, prosecuted, searched, possession, no proof of distribution.. Even though it was totally obvious with 50 grams and a scale/100000's of baggies.